Thursday 14 April 2016

Hooke, notes and BLP!!! Thursday 14th April

Nearly revitalised and refreshed................... a week-end in between will see us all fresh and sparkly ready for next week!

As I am sure the children have told you all about the fabulous trip - I won't go into too many details - there will be a disc with all the photos on available shortly - kindly copied by Mrs. Staddon - If you would like a disc, then we would appreciate a £1 donation towards POWSA.
The children all blossomed in maturity, confidence, and in demonstrating many of the citizenship caterpillar qualities! All the instructors repeatedly said how impressed they were and what a lovely group of children they were!!!!! Super credits to yourselves and the school!!! Well done everyone and we hope you enjoyed yourselves!

A HUUUUUGE thank you to Mr. Macbean, Mr. David, Mrs. Briant, Mrs. Creed, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Barton who all came along and helped to make this a very memorable experience for the children!!!!! (Dedicated people indeed!!!!)

I was absolutely bowled over by the home learning that has arrived!!!!! Outstanding quality, effort and creativity, as well as tremendous resilience, is clear to see - do pop in to the corridor and take a moment to admire the display next week!

News letters will be out next week, summer term parents information session will be next week and new reading targets will be issued next week! As you can imagine this is an incredibly busy and fast term - so strap yourselves in for the ride of your lives!!!!!!!!

Finally, throughout the year, during our learning we have been using certain skills to help us focus on particular areas of learning. This term the whole school are launching an initiative called Building learning Powers - essentially these are a set of skills that will empower the children to be able to tackle their learning and indeed any situation that life presents them. The first skill we are focussing on is Resilience and within resilience there are 4 "tools" that the children will learn about to help them be able to be resilient. The image relating to resilience is a tortoise and we are using a "super hero and super powers" approach to make this a fun and memorable way for the children to learn it and to embed it consistently across the school.

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. Johnson and the Incredible Year 4 Team!

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