Wednesday 31 October 2018

Year 4 - Shakespeare Costumes - 31st October 2018

We will be having our first Dress Rehearsal tomorrow, so please make sure your child brings their costume along to school.  We also have a little gift for all the children to bring home and wear for the performance! (Shh - Don't tell them!)

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Year 4 - Welcome Back - 30th October 2018

Year 4 have had a brilliant first day back after the holiday.  They have really impressed us with their first rehearsal since the holidays, the puppets made their first appearance today!  I'm sure you saw them when coming into the classroom.  A big thank you to the team who helped to complete these with the children, they took a lot of hard work!
Thank you to those of you who have been busy with their home learning especially Isabelle, Harry N, Sophie and Thomas who returned their work today.  We are looking forward to seeing more of your work in the coming week.
Look out tomorrow for a letter regarding our Shakespeare performance and final arrangements for next Wednesday including tickets!  Please ensure your child has their costume in school by Thursday of this week.

Sunday 21 October 2018

Year 4 - Have a great break - 21st October 2018

Happy Holidays Everyone!
WOW, what a whirlwind that first half-term was, but we have achieved a great deal!  Above all, the year 4 team need you to have a well earned rest over the holidays, if your batteries are as worn down as ours they definitely need to go on recharge.  But, if your brain is short of something to do here's the home learning bit:
Home learning - Year 4 - Week 7
Half Term is Upon Us!

For some continuous challenge over the holidays…
Mathletics - I have set you a massive mathletics challenge, lots of tasks to complete for everyone.  See how many you can do before you come back!
Purple Mash - Mr Spracklen has been teaching coding this term to year 4.  Get them to show you what they have learned.
AR Reading - Try to complete a quiz on the book you have from school and any titles you are familiar with from home.  Just search them up on the AR reading website.

Shakespeare - The final push!
After the half term holidays we have 7 rehearsals before we perform!  Over the holidays please make sure:
*You know your lines!  Practise, practise, practise to make yourself super confident.  Also make sure you know when to say your line.
*Get your costume together (if you haven’t already).  We will need it in school as soon as we get back from the holidays.
Get dramatic - Turn up the drama to 110%, but only when you are practising for the play!

*Pre-Learning -I would like you to get ahead for next term our topic will be World War II, how about doing some research?  We look at this topic from “The Home Front” and how life changed for people living in the UK. Your home learning could take any shape or form you like: Writing, Reading, Posters, Models, Artefacts.  Some ideas might be:
Find out about evacuation
What were air raids like?
What precautions were taken at home?
Find out about rationing
What were homes like in 1939-1945?
What was make do and mend?

Please do not feel you have to do all of the above, they are holidays after all!  The top priorities are marked with a *

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Year 4 - Wacky Hair Day - 10th October 2018

A reminder that tomorrow is Wacky Hair for Hospice Care Day.  All are welcome to school with hair to suit the occasion!  Suggested donation for the day is £1.

Year 4 - The world's a stage - 10th October 2018

Year 4 were completely brilliant during our rehearsal and workshop at Weymouth Pavilion this morning.  All of the children joined in with the workshop with confidence and enthusiasm, working alongside much older children and holding their own on the stage.  I was incredibly proud of the class in their involvement, confidence and effort.  The children showed super manners out of school, now we are really looking forwards to the performance!

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Year 4 - AR Reading - 9th October 2018

Year Four - Accelerated Reader         

Choosing books from the library.

Today all of the children in Year Four have chosen a book from the school library that is on the “Accelerated Reader Scheme”. Their book has been chosen from a selection within an “ability band”. Their task now is to read this book and then to take an online “quiz”. Their score in the quiz will indicate that they have understood the book that they have just read. They will then be ready to chose another book from this “ability band”.

Your child _________________________is currently choosing books from the

____________ basket.

In order for children to complete the online tests (which you are welcome to do from home), the children should visit the school’s website at - click the ‘links’ menu icon and then navigate to ‘Year 4’ > and click “Literacy” and then ‘AR Reading’ link. The following page should then appear -

The direct link for this page is -
(Just in case you’d like to add this to your ‘favourites’)

Click ‘I am a Student’ and then enter your child’s login details.

Username: _________________________

Password: ____________

When logged in, click the ‘Accelerated Reader’ icon -

Use the ‘book search’ box to find your book and associated quiz -

N.B - Each AR Book from the Library has the ‘AR Quiz Number’ stuck on a sticker inside the front page of the book.

SPECIAL NOTE - You can also take AR Quizzes on books you have from home or the library!

When you’ve found your books of choice, click the ‘take quiz’ button -

Follow the instructions to take the quiz.

We hope that you have a fantastic time using the “Accelerated Reading Scheme”.
You will be able to collect points (for certificates and prizes) as you read books and take quizzes. We will tell you more about this in due course.

Have fun reading!

Miss Johnson - Year Four Class Teacher

Year 4 - Home learning - Friday 5th October 2018

Home learning - Year 4 - Week 5
Please try all of the following

We continue to look for more evidence for the POW Passports, last week’s challenges are in red and this week’s in black!  We have a box in the classroom where we are collecting evidence and the passport officials are available every break time. Let’s see if we can stamp more passports!
We are looking for evidence of the following categories:
Evidence for baking a cake
Evidence for performing in public
Evidence for tying own shoelaces
Evidence for launching a rocket
Evidence of learning to play an instrument
Evidence of making a mud pie!
Evidence of riding a bike
Evidence of reciting a poem.
Dip your toes in the sea.
Balance on a log.
Grow your own food.
Go pond dipping.

We would also welcome pictures of your child when they were in different year groups through the school, these are to stick into the book, so please don’t send your best copies.

Reading - Do your first AR quiz (if you have a short book).
Attached to this home learning is a letter regarding the launch of our AR reading initiative.  Please take time to read this through and have a read of your child’s AR book with them. If it is a short one, you could even try the online quiz.  Some children have commented that the books they have chosen are too easy. This might well be the case as the original assessments were done at the end of last year, however I would still like them to read at least one book at this AR number and take a quiz before they move on.  If they are getting good marks on the quiz I can move their AR number on.
Also many children are at the maximum number for issued books in the library.  Please could you have a look at home to see if any school books have accidentally got tidied away onto your shelves at home?  It makes it difficult to issue new books if children have reached their limit.

Shakespeare - Lines and Costumes
This weekend I’d really like you to start learning your lines.  We will be doing lots more rehearsals next week and continue to get into character.  When saying your lines aloud try to use a clear loud voice and think about how the character is feeling when they say it.  Why not have an act off with Mum, Dad, Brothers and Sisters? Who can put the most expression into their line?
I have also included a costume list for everyone, over half term I will be asking you to get the costume together, but if you would like to do it earlier - great!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Year 4 - Busy day tomorrow - 9th October 2018

We are off on our trip tomorrow morning and swimming in the afternoon.  Please see your marvelous me messages for further details.  If you have not yet returned your permission slip for tomorrow morning's trip please see your child's book bag where there should be an extra copy of the letter.

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Year 4 - Harvest Assembly Song Words - 3rd October 2018

These are the words to our year 4 song for this Friday:
Look around you tell me what you see
A world that's full of possibility
Water to drink and food to eat
Clothes to wear, shoes on your feet,
We give thanks to you

Share what you havewith people you loveand life gets better(life gets better)Give what you've gotto people who've notand life gets better(life gets better)

Be thoughtful and gratefulThank your lucky starsfor all the food that we eatand this planet that is ours(planet that is ours)

See the plants and food that farmers grow
Takes a lot of hard work don't you know
Ev’ry day they work the land
Rain and sun lend a helping hand,
We give thanks to you

Share what you havewith people you loveand life gets better(life gets better)Give what you've gotto people who've notand life gets better(life gets better)
Be thoughtful and gratefulThank your lucky starsfor all the food that we eatthe oats and the wheat and this planet that is ours(planet that is ours)
Thank you for the love you give to me
Thank you for your generosity
When I'm sad and feeling blue
I know I can turn to you,
We give thanks to you

Share what you havewith people you loveand life gets better(life gets better)Give what you've gotto people who've notand life gets better(life gets better)

Be thoughtful and gratefulThank your lucky starsfor all the food that we eatthe oats and the wheatthe folks that we meetand this planet that is ours(planet that is ours)
Enjoy singing them!