Tuesday 30 October 2012

Trip to Dorchester

We will be off to Dorchester on Thursday 8th November.  Please ensure your child has a warm, waterproof coat for the day and brings plenty to eat and drink whilst we are away from school.  We've got lots of interesting and interactive things planned in the day including; taking part in a church service at St Peter's Church, taking part in the South Street Challenge where the children will be identifying locations through photo orienteering and visiting the Keep Military Museum to find evidence of our local military history.  It should be a fun packed day!

Back to school - New Topic

We will be moving away from the theme of world war II this half term and we will begin to look at our new topic of Dorchester.  We will begin by looking at Dorchester's connections to the Second World War and move into Dorchester today.  We will welcome Mr Ray on Friday 9th November who is coming to talk about his historical knowledge of the war and how it relates to our locality.  If there is anybody else who has connections to local history or who has some interesting tales to tell about Dorchester and the surrounding area we would love you to come in and share them.  Please see a member of the year 4 team.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Some research please!

I would like the Year 4 children to see what they can find out about SAFFRON and how it is used by Hindus! Why is it the most expensive thing in the world?

Sunday 21 October 2012


The School Nurse will be running a drop in from 8:45am tomorrow morning (Monday 22nd October). Want to know more about what the School Nurse does please see this useful web link from Dorset HealthCare University NHS Trust: http://www.dorsethealthcare.nhs.uk/services/children-and-families/school-nursing-dorset.htm

Thursday 18 October 2012

Spellings 19th October 2012

Home Learning 19th October 2012

Home learning 19th October 2012
As you know during WW2 people were encouraged to reuse and recycle!  I would like you to get creative, what could you create out of old junk?  During next week and over the holidays use anything that would otherwise be thrown away to make something new.  You can either bring your creation in, or you could take a photo and bring that in instead.  Be as individual as you can!  I look forward to seeing the results.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

POWSA Blog - Non ICT Day

I have this little sister Lola, she is small and very funny.  Next Wednesday (the 24th of October) will be a non-ICT day.  That means all the children, including Lola and all the teachers cannot use computers or other technology in school! There will be no blogging, no typing, no googling, no surfing. There will certainly be no interactive white boarding, no tweeting, no ipadding, no videoing and certainly no tomatoes! Lola is looking forward to catching out her teachers, if they use some ICT, they have to pay a 50p fine!  Hopefully all the children will help Lola and raise funds for the school. Thank you - Charlie (and the POWSA Committee) - PS donations to POWSA for school equipment will be welcomed (as always!!)

POWSA Blog - Book Fair!

Just a quick reminder that the scholastic book fair starts today.  The books are available to browse by both children and parents after school Wed-Mon and at the parents evening tonight. Why not stock up on a few Christmas presents, or introduce your kids to another fantastic author? Once our target has been reached, the school receive 60% of the profit back to spend on books for school.  This has proven a very profitable venture in the past and we hope to replicate the success again this year!

Thursday 11 October 2012

Our morning with Mr. Spracklen

This morning we had the unexpected pleasure of a morning with Mr. Spracklen (I know... how lucky is that!) - We began our morning by playing an iPad game called Futaba. Futaba is a 4 player game designed for children. This outrageously fun word quiz game can be used at home or in the classroom as a entertaining way to build language skills. You can download this for yourself at: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/word-games-for-kids-futaba/id426517722?mt=8. After break, we had a go on Google Sketch-Up in I.C.T. This was the first time Year 4 has used Google Sketch-Up and I was amazed (truly amazed!) with how quickly Year 4 picked up using this professional application. We followed a number of instructional videos (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqcL-xPC-Ys&feature=relmfu and http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_465005&feature=iv&src_vid=xqcL-xPC-Ys&v=0MXharjbIdY) to get us started and then we were off! We all managed to create something with a focus on furniture and WWII items with some of us making chairs, sofas and even a complete living room! If you want to have a go with Google Sketch-Up at home you can download it for free at: http://www.sketchup.com/intl/en/download/index2.html

Spellings - 12th October 2012