Thursday 30 June 2016

Another riddle and some optical illusions just to keep you busy!

Another riddle for you................

I have streets but no pavement,
I have cities but no buildings,
I have forests but no trees,
I have rivers yet no water.

What am I?

Here are a couple more optical illusions - fascinating! I could look at them for hours!

Thursday 30th June 2016 - LOTS of information!

Riddle: None - Coconut trees don't grow bananas!

Our trip to the museum and the town house was a huge success - really interesting and captivating, bringing the topic to life and particularly putting it into context in our local area!
Thank you to those wonderful parents that volunteered to join us and who also endured the torrential rain!!!!!!!!
Let's hope next weeks trip is more dry!!!! (Thank you to all the offers of help for next Tuesday - much appreciated!)

Pyjama swimming/basic water safety was also a huge success - the children were very surprised to feel how heavy their clothes felt in the water. They also remembered basic CPR that they learned on our recent first aid training afternoon. It was impressive to see such young children able to tread water confidently and also to tow someone across the pool - well done!!!!

We had a very successful day filming our leavers dvd with the invaluable help of Mr. Scott from THS - we can't wait to see it!

Sadly today was also the last clarinet lesson - I can't believe it has gone so quickly!!!!! They have made superb progress and we were able to show off our skills to a school audience this afternoon. We hope to play you the video at our leavers assembly! If there are any Dorset Music Service clarinets still at home, please could they be brought back into school asap as they will be collected soon.

A reminder that Sports morning is now on Monday and our swimming gala is next Wednesday. As well as all these events, next week we will also be having a Rio themed week culminating in a carnival next Friday afternoon which you are invited to come and watch (watch this space for timings).

Mrs. Ray, the head of Year 5 from DMS is coming in on Monday afternoon to meet the children and give a short assembly - of course leading nicely to transfer day next Thursday - where has that time gone???????? (Don't forget to drop your child at their new school for the day and collect them from there at the end of transfer day!)

Sooooooooo much information - thank you for reading!!!!

I hope the "old person" costume hunting is going well - I have seen a few pieces arrive!!!!! I am told the Salvation Army shop is a good place to source items!

Re DMS/THS uniform - Mrs. Davenport discovered a very useful shop being run at THS sixth form during the holidays where you will be able to purchase all the uniform - please ask her for the dates and times (you do not need to book apparently, just turn up!!!) Thanks Mrs. Davenport - super helpful!!!!

Phew - that's it!!!!!!!

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. J and the Year 4 Team.

Monday 27 June 2016

An optical illusion and a riddle for you!!!!!!!!!

How do you stop them from moving????????????

Here's a riddle to keep you thinking...............

Q: A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?

Monday 27th June - tomorrow and volunteers needed!

Thank you to all the children that helped with the school fair on Friday, it looked very successful!!!! Well done!!!!

I heard that Charlotte had a singing exam at the week end and Fenella and Sam took part in a club swimming gala - I can't believe how much energy (see the moving optical illusion) you all still have at this VERY busy time of year - keep it up! Great stuff!!!

Looking forward to the trip tomorrow and hope we don't get too wet!!!!!! As on the letter, old play clothes and a waterproof are a must, good shoes too as it is quite a walk! Don't forget a day bag with lunch and a couple of drinks! Thank you to the volunteers who have kindly offered to come with us!
If anyone would like to join us at Cranbourne next Tuesday, please do come in and let me know - we do need 4 more helpers!!!!!!!!!!!!

A reminder that at swimming on Wednesday we will be having a lesson based around basic personal life saving skills and experiencing what it would be like if we came into difficulty in open water. Therefore, please bring along a lightweight pair of pyjamas to wear over your swimming costume - NO onesies or nighties - cotton long sleeved pyjamas are perfect!

Here's an optical illusion for you............
Side profile or front facing?

Mrs. J and the Year 4 Team!

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Please read me - Tuesday 21st June 2016 important info!

Your child should have brought home a slip of paper with the revised date for KS2 sports morning. It will now take place, weather permitting, on Monday 4th July. We will be doing skills at 9:30 on the playground and races on the field at approx 10:45. This will be the same week as out Rio themed week and also our Y4 swimming gala during our normal swimming session - Wednesday 6th July.

During next Wednesdays swimming lesson we will be practising some life saving skills and the children are asked to bring in, with their normal swim suits, a pair of pyjamas or leggings and a t-shirt (nothing too heavy or flimsy!!!)

We are also now thinking about our Leavers assembly - a costume note will come home by tomorrow but basically they will ALL need to dress up as an old person - be as creative as you like and really go to town (try charity shops) - wigs/glasses/walking sticks...........

FYI we will also be filming for our traditional Leavers film next Thursday, so unless you are really ill then we need you in school so that you can be in the film!!!!!!

More dressing up.............Due to the rapid approach to the end of term we will be combining our Roman picnic with the sleep overs - therefore they will need to come to their sleep over dressed as a Roman (bring school uniform for the next day!)

Lots to take in, but I hope it is all useful!!!!!

Mrs. J and the Year 4 Team!!!!!!

Monday 20 June 2016

FYI Jigsaw lesson 3 yesterday Monday 20th June.

During jigsaw yesterday we discussed puberty and all the changes that it would make to our bodies both internally, externally and emotionally. The children were very interested and knowledgeable and keen to discuss - an hour was not long enough!!!!!! Needless to say, once they have mulled it all over, there are bound to be more questions and we talked about how important it was to ask questions if there was anything they were unsure about.

Year 3 and 4 Sports morning postponed

Dear Parents,
The Year 3 and 4 Sports morning has been postponed due to the weather being so awful.
We will let you know by tomorrow a revision date at the latest.


Sunday 19 June 2016

Sunday 19th June - Sports Day reminder!

Don't forget Sports Morning tomorrow - 9:30 we are on the playground doing skills and approx 10:45 we will be on the field for races!

Children - REMEMBER PE KITS + TRAINERS (sun hats and water bottles too!!!)

Friday 17 June 2016

Much improved..........sports morning and swimming!

Following Tuesday, I am glad to report we have had a much better week and everyone has obviously thought carefully about their rights and responsibilities, reminding themselves of the consequences of their actions!!! Well done Year 4!!!!!!!!! Keep it up!!!!!

There has been a lot of hard work this week, seeing all children focused and absorbed in their work. Our new learning power is Reflectiveness - meta-learning, distilling and planning. This will be our new focus until the end of term.

The year 4 County Swimming Finals were gripping............we won 3rd place in the mixed relay - well done Fen, Coco, Charlotte, Megan, Eva and Rosa, super team work and sportsmanship!!!!
The National School Biathle is this Sunday with 6 children representing our school - good luck!!!!!!!

Sports morning is on Monday - we will be doing our skills at 9:30 and races at about 10:45. The swimming gala will take place during our swimming lesson in a couple of weeks time, Rio Themed week - Wednesday 6th July 9-10am - all are welcome to come and watch in the gallery!

Watch this space for a couple of trips over the next couple of weeks too!

Have a great week - end!

Year 4 Team

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Behaviour - Tuesday 14th June 2016

We began our tests yesterday and all children who took part were fantastic! We also had our second SRE jigsaw lesson which explained the reproductive system, how a sperm and an egg have to join to create a baby and also loving families and responsibilities of looking after a baby.

Unfortunately, during PE, about 90% of the class displayed poor manners and  disrespectful behaviour towards our PE teacher. As a result, the majority of the class had to change their cards and were asked to sit in silence reading and reflecting on their behaviour. This is also as a result of a few incidents like this recently to other members of staff. Mr. Treble and myself both explained that we shouldn't have to speak to them about this repeatedly and that this would certainly not be acceptable behaviour in their new schools. I would be grateful if you could support us on this matter by reinforcing acceptable behaviour, choices and consequences and respectful attitudes as well as having their own minds and being able to be assertive not joining in with others!
I am fully aware, having taught year 4 for several years, that this time of year (particularly for those moving on) stirs up a lot of emotion and we discussed previously that we are still at this school and have responsibilities to ALL our classmates, buddies, staff, ourselves and the rest of the school.
It is important that this is addressed so that we can all enjoy the last few weeks of term!

Thank you for your support

Mrs. Johnson and The Year 4 Team

Friday 10 June 2016

The Queen's tea party 10/6/16

We had a lovely whole school Queen’s tea party on Friday 10th June. Preschool also joined us for this event, the whole school stood and sang the National anthem, and of course ‘ Happy Birthday’ too before tucking into the delicious cakes you all generously sent in.

Unfortunately then the rain paid us a visit, however before long we were able to venture back outside to complete the event by playing some ‘Royal based party games.

I would like to thank all the Yr 3 and 4 pupils for being so helpful in collecting tables and chairs from across the school supported by our adultsto enable the event to happen. The children were also very helpful in supporting the younger children at the tea party. It really showed off the ‘service’ element within our school community, helping others where we can.  Thank you to all who made this event special.

Monday 6 June 2016

Monday 6th June 2016

A good first day back!

We talked about how we have a very busy few weeks ahead and the need to remain focused and remembering our role as leaders of the school (when we might be getting a little excited, mixed emotions etc leading to not thinking about our behaviour and our learning), we will of course be having lots of fun too!!!!!!!!

Our SRE lesson today was about hereditary characteristics, who we look like or have mannerisms like in our families. We discussed where these come from - genes, sperm and egg.

PE tomorrow - please bring in sun hats and sun cream as well as good running shoes/trainers.

Running club will start again next Tuesday.

A reminder after yesterday's blog about cakes/a cake for Friday.

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. J

Sunday 5 June 2016

Things coming up! Sunday 5th June

I hope you all had a restful half term, making the most of the fantastic weather!!!!!!!!............all ready for the mad race to the finish line, which is the end of term!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to all those of you who attended and supported the SRE jigsaw presentation, FYI we will begin the unit of work tomorrow and the lessons will run every Monday afternoon, just so that you can be prepared for any discussions that may arise.

Running club will start back NEXT Tuesday 14th June. A reminder to those of you who qualified for the swimming finals - Thursday 16th June. The National School Biathle at Leweston is Sunday 19th June.

This Friday we are celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday with a Garden Party - pleas could the children bring in cakes/a cake for Friday - thank you!

We will be embarking on our Year 4 Reading and Maths tests next week, so this week we will be working on skills needed to prepare ourselves for them. As well as this, we will be beginning our new Romans topic and new science topic - animals, habitats, food chains and classifications.