Thursday 31 January 2019

Year 4 - Miss Johnson's Read Write Inc Group Spellings - 1st February 2019

I thought I'd blog the spellings for my Read, Write Inc Group for your reference (this will not be all of the children in year 4 - only if they work with me for RWI spelling)
Spellings - Miss Johnson’s Read Write Inc Group 1st February 2019

Check 1
Check 2
Check 3









Year 4 - Home Learning - 1st February 2019

Home learning - Year 4 - Spring Week 4
1st February 2019

Science Fair Challenge
On Thursday 14th February we will be holding our Science Fair to celebrate the end of Science Week 2019.  For home learning I would like you to design a science experiment that you can bring along to the Science Fair.  Go for that awe and wonder!

An extra challenge:
To go with your Science experiment can you make a poster or information leaflet to explain the science behind your experiment?  It might include instructions for others to try it at home. Make it clear and simple with labelled diagrams to help explain how it works.  In school we can make some copies of your leaflets that you could hand out at the fair.

Please remember:

Times Tables Rockstars, Mathletics, AR Reading Quizzes and Purple Mash which can all be accessed at home to support your learning in school.

Friday 25 January 2019

Year 4 - Home Learning - 25th January 2019

Home learning - Year 4 - Spring Week 3
25th January 2019

Design a Turtle
We have been set a challenge for Science Week!
As we begin our new topic on Sea Turtles, we have been asked to make two giant sea turtles out of junk that can be recycled!  So, I currently have two dustbin lids for their shells, but I need to design the rest of the turtles. How are we going to make the rest of their body?  Their heads? Their flippers? What recycled junk could we use?
For home learning this week I would like you to draw a labelled diagram of our turtle model, telling me what materials we could use for each part of the design.  Also, if you have some recycling that you think would be useful to build our turtles please bring that in as well.
Image result for turtle made out of plastic
An extra challenge:
Next week we will be looking at Flotsam by David Wiesner to inspire our writing.  Have a look at the picture below and see if you can write a creative paragraph about what you can see.  I’ve given you the opening few words to get you started.
Image result for images from Flotsam
He stared through the magnifying glass, spellbound by…_________________________________
Please remember:
Times Tables Rockstars, Mathletics, AR Reading Quizzes and Purple Mash which can all be accessed at home to support your learning in school.

Year 4 - Pop up museum and tea (not quite enough room to dance) - 25th January 2019

Image result for World War 2 tea danceWOW!  What an amazing display the year 4 children put on for their parents and other classes at their Pop up museum and afternoon tea yesterday.  All of the displays that you saw yesterday (if you were lucky enough to come along), were constructed purely by the children through work in class, research, a collaborative learning exercise and home learning.  The children were very proud to share their learning with adults and children and I was amazed to see all of the effort and enthusiasm they had for this project.
Thank you parents for getting into the spirit as well, for coming along, but above all for supporting your children with their learning at home.  We hope you enjoyed the cake!

Sunday 20 January 2019

Year 4 - Pop up Museum, Tea Dance and Home Learning - 20th January 2019

Home learning - Year 4 - Spring Week 2

18th January 2019

Year 4 - End of Topic Celebration
To mark the end of our World War II topic next week year 4 intend to hold a pop up museum and mini-tea dance on the afternoon of Thursday 24th January.
In order to make this a success we need your help!

For home learning this week could you do one of the following:
  1. Find a WWII recipe for something you could bake for our mini tea dance and bake it to bring in on Thursday.
  2. Make a model, poster or bring in an artefact to show in the museum.  You should be able to talk about your model, poster or artefact to children and adults.
Eg. You could bring in a suitcase set up for an evacuee, make a model of an anderson shelter or make an interesting and clear information poster about anything to do with WWII.

You are all welcome to come and have a look around the museum from 3pm on Thursday 24th January.


Please remember:
Times Tables Rockstars, Mathletics, AR Reading Quizzes and Purple Mash which can all be accessed at home to support your learning in school.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Year 4 - Parents' information session

Image result for parents informationThe parent's information session for year 4 will be this Thursday at 9am in the training room.  Please come along and hear about the fun we will be getting up to this term and ask any questions you might have.  I look forward to seeing you then.

Friday 11 January 2019

Year 4 Home Learning 11th January 2019

Home learning - Year 4 - Spring Week 1
11th January 2019

Times Table Rockstars
We are busily practising our times tables using the Times Table Rockstars website.  The children have their own rockstar characters and various challenges to complete in order to earn coins.  These coins can be exchanged in order to update their avatar whilst learning times tables at the same time. Knowledge of times table facts supports fluency in number and gives children confidence in Maths.  I would therefore like the children to log on and earn some more coins, if you are unable to access the site then see if you can think of some fun ways to remember times table facts. Here are some rhymes we use in school:
5, 6, 7, 8 - 7x8=56
Wakey, wakey rise and shine 7x7 is 49
I ate and ate until I was sick on the floor 8x8=64
I can do times table tricks 6x6=36
Login via the pupil links page on the school website, your login details will be sent to you via marvellous me.

Year 4 Singing Resources
Over the next few months we will be rehearsing six songs to sing at the annual year 4 DASP singing festival.  We were lucky enough to have Mrs Trevorrow from Thomas Hardye School to come and teach us some of these songs on Thursday.  We will be continuing to learn these over the next couple of months ready for a performance at Thomas Hardyes in March (details to follow).  Please take time to have a look at the lyrics to the three songs we’ve learned so far:
Food Glorious Food
When I Grow Up
The resources are available at>resources>resources for students>Year 4 singing concert resources - Happy singing!