Thursday 14 January 2021

You are amazing! and Zooms and flipgrids


Hello everyone,

I just want to start by telling you that YOU ARE AMAZING! Home schooling your child is really tough and I want to say thank you on behalf of the school and the wider community for everything you are doing. You are the home front in the fight against Covid19 and by keeping your child at home we will hopefully be able to come back to school sooner. 

Flip Grid

Thank you for those people that have engaged with Flip Grid. It is a great way for us to keep class discussions going and for the children to see each other. Looking at the number of views the earliest videos have had the children have certainly enjoyed viewing them. This Friday please encourage your child to share what they are proud of this week (they can cover the camera and just record their voice if they are camera shy). I will email out links for more flip grids next week. 

Zoom Calls

I will start doing small group Zoom calls from tomorrow (Friday). If you haven't received your zoom invite email please let me know as soon as possible. You may need to check your spam folder or there may have been some technical difficulties. Emails are sent weekly from The Prince of Wales School. If you haven't received any emails recently please let me Mr Edmonds in the office know. 

Finally... home schooling realities

I just want to remind you to be kind to yourselves when it comes to home schooling. I will always provide you with a full day of activities that are there to give you ideas about what you do with your child, but I am not expecting you to do everything. 
I home schooled my children on Wednesday and I didn't do everything (and I had actually set the work for one of them!). 
I love my children very much but I truly find it easier to teach a class of 32 than my own 2 children at home. 
I would recommend doing some sort of maths activity and some sort of literacy activity everyday if you can - but that can take many forms. Maths could be cooking, literacy could be reading a book. 

As ever we are here to support you so please get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. 

You are all amazing. Thank you for your part in the fight against Covid19,

Love and respect,

Ms Browne and the year 4 team. xxx

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