Wednesday 7 September 2022

Key Stage 2 (years 3 & 4) spellings


Dear parents and carers,

Depending on the spelling group your child is in, you may find the frequency of spellings sent home may seem less than in previous years. 

If your child is in one of the colour named RWI groups or spelling groups 2A or 2B your child will continue to have weekly spellings to learn and a weekly spelling test. 

If your child is in spelling groups 3 or 4, they have one spelling test a fortnight. They will be given spellings to learn in the first week and in the second week they will be given an additional spelling activity (whilst still having the remaining week to continue to learn their spellings). As the words become gradually more challenging, the children will be given activities to help them to retain and apply these spellings in their writing. 

Year 3 children have had spellings sent home this week (please check book bags), whereas year 4 will have spellings to learn next week, following spellings assessments this week.

Adult support is often very helpful in helping your child learn their spellings. Children can use the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check spelling sheets that are sent home but any additional practice or games such as hangman or anagrams will help your child.  

Below are links to spelling lists for words that children should hopefully have learnt by the end of their time at the Prince of Wales school. 

Year 1 spellings

Year 2 spellings

Years 3 & 4 spellings

You might find these lists useful should you want to use them. However, please be mindful that children's learning ability develops at different rates, (just like all developmental milestones) so please don't be overly alarmed if your child hasn't retained all the spellings by the suggested ages. Try to achieve regular, low stress spelling practice and activities.  Oxford Owl has a link here with some alternative tips to help your child learn their spellings. 

If you have any questions please talk to your child's class teacher.

Kind regards,

Ms Browne, Mrs Thorpe and Mr MacBean 

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