Friday 29 March 2019

Year 4 - Home Learning - 29th March 2019

Home learning - Year 4 - Spring Week 11
29th March 2019

Next Week’s a busy week!

Thursday - Off to a local restaurant for our healthy eating Design Technology unit.  We will be at school for normal lunch time (if we’ve got any room left).  Also please ensure you have returned your slip stating any dietary requirements and your choice of arrival arrangements.
Home learning from last week is also due by Thursday so that we can present our Florida research projects.
Friday - Bikathon (please remember your bike or scooter and sponsorship form) and Farm Visit. Our Farm Visit will be slightly later than usual so please bring a packed lunch.  Hot lunches can be refunded or an alternative packed lunch can be provided, please see the office as to your preference.  

X Tables
Year 4 are expected to know all of their times tables up to 12x12 by the end of the year.  From after the holidays we will be doing checks on times tables on a weekly basis. Children should start by counting in multiples of the number, then calculating facts by counting up to a multiple then knowing the facts by heart.  There are a number of ways to gain this fluency and memorising these facts to the point of fluency. Songs, rhymes, counting forwards and backwards in multiples, spotting patterns, etc.
Next week we are going to look at the 9x table and revise the 3x table.
Did you know that the digits of the multiples of 9 all add up to 9?
You can use your fingers to find 9x table facts! Try it :
Did you know that the digits of the multiples of 3 always add up to a multiple of 3?
Try writing the facts from one or both of these times tables on post its and sticking them around the house.  When you come across one ask / answer the the multiplication.

Healthy Eating Recipe Book
As part of our DT project we would like to put together a recipe book of the children’s favourite healthy recipes.  For home learning this week please bring in your favourite healthy recipe to include.

Please remember:
Times Tables Rockstars, Mathletics, AR Reading Quizzes and Purple Mash which can all be accessed at home to support your learning in school.

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