Wednesday 20 September 2023

Year 4 events, dress ups, residential and home learning


Hello everyone,

We have been having such a lovely few weeks with the new year 4 class. They are a lovely group of children and it has been such a pleasure getting to know them. There is lots going on this term so following the home learning and spellings below I will try to record what is coming up and what information you need. 

Home learning
We didn't have as many home learning sheets returned for week 2 which is a shame, but what is brilliant is that only 2 children have not returned home learning for either week. I personally know how challenging it is to get children to complete home learning so please come and talk to me if there are any ongoing challenges. Middle schools tend to be less easy going about home learning and so in year 4 we are trying to help prepare children for year 5 expectations in an encouraging way.  

This week, we have a two week home learning project. The children have been asked to create a diorama related to any aspect of World War 2. If the finished work is too big or delicate please feel free to email it to me. 

Whilst there will not be any additional home learning given next week, it is hoped that your child will continue to read, practice spellings and times table regularly. On the home learning sheet (link here) I have included a section for children to tick off the days that they have managed to do spellings times tables or read. This was an attempt to help remind children to do these tasks regularly and so if you would like to return these sheets on the 2nd October, children will be praised accordingly.     

The spellings for Avant-garde and Trinkle should have come home on Tuesday. Logan group will receive theirs on Thursday 


Upcoming events
Friday 22nd September - SA.  Please ensure that all children bring wet weather gear. They should also only bring the minimum to school to keep their rucksacks light (drink bottle, snack and packed lunch). Children should be collected from the event at the end of school time. Please see the letter about this for additional information. 

Monday 25th Sep - Food, Faith and farming fortnight starts. (FYI) 

Tuesday 26th Sep - children will be asked to let me know who they would like to share a dormitory with during our residential. You may want to start talking to your child about this and email or talk to me directly if you have any questions or concerns. 

Friday 29th Sep - Dig for victory session with Wessex Wild  (FYI) 

Friday 29th Sep - 3pm Our residential information session with the children. This is a great opportunity to hear the details of the trip and ask any questions you or your child have. By this day I will also need you to let me know of any dietary preferences or medical needs (that we do not currently treat in school). 

Monday 2nd October - Children should dress as an evacuee for an evacuee farm experience. Children will get first had experience of what children evacuated to farms experienced during the second world war. Children should come dressed as an evacuee whilst also wearing wellingtons or shoes suitable for being on the farm. Please don't feel the need to buy a specific costume for this. Plain skirts and trousers and shorts with plain shirts and jumpers will work. You may also want to wrap a box to create the look of a gas mask. 

Friday 6th October -  Harvest Festival. KS2 event is at 9.15 - 10am

 Friday 6th October - Autumn Fest from 5pm

Wednesday 11th - 13th October - Our class residential

Monday 16th October - Dorchester Literary festival (details to follow)

Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th October - Parents and carers evening (details to follow)

Friday 20th October - End of Term & start of Half term

Monday 30th October -  INSET Day

Tuesday 31st October - Pupils back to school. 

Please speck to a member of the team if you have any questions or concerns. 

Kind regards,
The year 4 team. 


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