Tuesday 24 January 2023

Upcoming dates, times tables, week 4 home learning and Macbeth superstars


Dear parents and carers,

The children really impressed the year 4 team today with their super acting. The play is really beginning to come together and they are clearly putting a lot of effort into learning their lines and the rehearsals. I am hoping to do a full dress rehearsal on Thursday so could all costume items come to school by Thursday morning please (label the clothing and the bag they come in). 
Please let me know ASAP if you do not have any of the items of clothing needed for your child. 

We did a mock multiplication tables check today through Times Tables Rockstars. This replicated the time the children will have to answer the questions in June's national times table check. Some of the children were a little concerned by the test although as the test is in June we still have plenty of time to prepare them.

Having a quick and accurate recall of times tables will help children in their maths learning as they progress through middle school and beyond. Any help and support that you can give your child with learning their tables will be worthwhile for their ongoing maths learning. You are aiming for your child to instantly know the answer to a times table question as opposed to being able to count on to calculate the answer. I will send the children home with a times table poster for them to use or have on display somewhere at home. Repetition and over learning is key to helping your child develop a secure recall. For the rest of the term we will work on the 5 and 3 times tables. Whilst most children can count in 5s very easily the aim is that every child can answer any 5x question instantly up to 12 x 5. Please feel free to also ask your child x5 and x3 questions at home to further their grasp of these tables. We will focus on other tables after half term and I will let you know what they are when the time comes, so that you can also reinforce the learning at home.  

Home learning 
For this week's home learning I would like the children to go onto purple mash to write and draw about their favourite authors. 
I will send a hard copy explaining  what they need to do, although all information is on purple mash. If they don't know their purple mash login please encourage them to ask a member of the year 4 team. 

Upcoming dates
Monday 30th Jan - STEM fortnight starts.
Tuesday 31st Jan - Late parents evening.
Tuesday 31st Jan - Class trip visit (half the class).
Wednesday 1st Feb - Class trip visit (half the class).
Thursday 2nd Feb - Early parents evening.
Wednesday 8th Feb - Shakespeare by the sea performance.
Friday 10th Feb - INSET.
Monday 13th Feb - Half term.

Monday 20th Feb - Back to school
Monday 27th Feb - DASP singing concert - please note date change
From 27th Feb - Book Week
Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day
Friday 17th March - Year 4 assembly 
Friday 31st March - End of term

As ever, if you have any questions, comments or concerns please get in touch with a member of the year 4 team. 

Kind regards,
Ms Browne , Mr MacBean and the year 4 team,  

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