Tuesday 9 October 2018

Year 4 - Home learning - Friday 5th October 2018

Home learning - Year 4 - Week 5
Please try all of the following

We continue to look for more evidence for the POW Passports, last week’s challenges are in red and this week’s in black!  We have a box in the classroom where we are collecting evidence and the passport officials are available every break time. Let’s see if we can stamp more passports!
We are looking for evidence of the following categories:
Evidence for baking a cake
Evidence for performing in public
Evidence for tying own shoelaces
Evidence for launching a rocket
Evidence of learning to play an instrument
Evidence of making a mud pie!
Evidence of riding a bike
Evidence of reciting a poem.
Dip your toes in the sea.
Balance on a log.
Grow your own food.
Go pond dipping.

We would also welcome pictures of your child when they were in different year groups through the school, these are to stick into the book, so please don’t send your best copies.

Reading - Do your first AR quiz (if you have a short book).
Attached to this home learning is a letter regarding the launch of our AR reading initiative.  Please take time to read this through and have a read of your child’s AR book with them. If it is a short one, you could even try the online quiz.  Some children have commented that the books they have chosen are too easy. This might well be the case as the original assessments were done at the end of last year, however I would still like them to read at least one book at this AR number and take a quiz before they move on.  If they are getting good marks on the quiz I can move their AR number on.
Also many children are at the maximum number for issued books in the library.  Please could you have a look at home to see if any school books have accidentally got tidied away onto your shelves at home?  It makes it difficult to issue new books if children have reached their limit.

Shakespeare - Lines and Costumes
This weekend I’d really like you to start learning your lines.  We will be doing lots more rehearsals next week and continue to get into character.  When saying your lines aloud try to use a clear loud voice and think about how the character is feeling when they say it.  Why not have an act off with Mum, Dad, Brothers and Sisters? Who can put the most expression into their line?
I have also included a costume list for everyone, over half term I will be asking you to get the costume together, but if you would like to do it earlier - great!

Have a fantastic weekend!

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