Sunday 21 October 2018

Year 4 - Have a great break - 21st October 2018

Happy Holidays Everyone!
WOW, what a whirlwind that first half-term was, but we have achieved a great deal!  Above all, the year 4 team need you to have a well earned rest over the holidays, if your batteries are as worn down as ours they definitely need to go on recharge.  But, if your brain is short of something to do here's the home learning bit:
Home learning - Year 4 - Week 7
Half Term is Upon Us!

For some continuous challenge over the holidays…
Mathletics - I have set you a massive mathletics challenge, lots of tasks to complete for everyone.  See how many you can do before you come back!
Purple Mash - Mr Spracklen has been teaching coding this term to year 4.  Get them to show you what they have learned.
AR Reading - Try to complete a quiz on the book you have from school and any titles you are familiar with from home.  Just search them up on the AR reading website.

Shakespeare - The final push!
After the half term holidays we have 7 rehearsals before we perform!  Over the holidays please make sure:
*You know your lines!  Practise, practise, practise to make yourself super confident.  Also make sure you know when to say your line.
*Get your costume together (if you haven’t already).  We will need it in school as soon as we get back from the holidays.
Get dramatic - Turn up the drama to 110%, but only when you are practising for the play!

*Pre-Learning -I would like you to get ahead for next term our topic will be World War II, how about doing some research?  We look at this topic from “The Home Front” and how life changed for people living in the UK. Your home learning could take any shape or form you like: Writing, Reading, Posters, Models, Artefacts.  Some ideas might be:
Find out about evacuation
What were air raids like?
What precautions were taken at home?
Find out about rationing
What were homes like in 1939-1945?
What was make do and mend?

Please do not feel you have to do all of the above, they are holidays after all!  The top priorities are marked with a *

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