Monday 21 May 2018

Year 4 21/05/18 - "When I grow up, I want to be a pop star........!"

We hope you all enjoyed the beautiful sunshine this week-end?

Thank you to you all for responding so quickly the change of school day today - as you can appreciate, it was such a special and once in a lifetime opportunity to coordinate a group of experts..........and the outcome is VERY special - but you will have to wait to see it!!!! No other Year 4s will have such a chance - what a wonderful memory that has been created for our children!!!!!!

A HUGE, MASSIVE, TREMENDOUS, HEART FELT THANK YOU - to Jay for organising Micky, the producer to come and work with us, to Eve for giving up a whole day to come and film the ENTIRE experience (can't wait to see the video - she now has yet more hours ahead to put it all together), to Micky for giving up his day to produce our song - I was in awe of the process and how intricate and precise it was as well as how long it takes!!!!!!! Finally, thank you to Hanna for moving her whole timetable around and giving up her day to provide her musical talents, not only as our pianist but in helping to coordinate the music and vocals - we really couldn't have done it without her!!!!!!

If you enjoyed the experience and would like to make pop music, play in a band or learn how the technical side works, why not think about PoP Club run by Micky at the Corn Exchange on a Saturday morning?! Google PoP Clubs in Dorset and you should find it!

A reminder about our cake sale on Friday! If there is anyone who would like to volunteer to come in from about 3pm to help that would be wonderful and you would be more than welcome, I will also be asking 4 or 5 children to sell the cakes from 3:20 - 3:50 ish - if you do not want me to ask your child to stay and sell cakes, please do let me know!

Thank you for your support,

Mrs J and Mrs. Scott

1 comment:

  1. An absolute pleasure having Year 4 at Dorchester Youth & Community Centre today, brilliant to witness All the hard work that went on in the studio and a fantastic end result!
