Monday 4 September 2017

Welcome to Year 4 - Monday 4th September 2017

A VERY warm welcome to Year 4!

Mrs. Scott and I hope that you all had a fantastic, exciting, fun-filled, adventurous, relaxing and restful holiday! We cannot wait to hear all about them!

Things to remember for Wednesday: Water bottle (you can have it on your table in class), pencil case,  PE kit (ready for next week), coat, library book if it needs changing, snack, lunch...............a big beaming smile, enthusiasm and your brains all dusted off and ready to learn!

Mrs. Scott and I are positively bursting with excitement in anticipation of Wednesday morning - we hope you are too! We will be encouraging you to be as independent as possible right from the start - Can you put all your personal belongings away in the right places on your own? Can you find your tray and topic table place? Can you read the morning activity on the white board and get started? As soon as you feel ready, can you come into class by yourself saying your goodbyes to your family before skipping up the gang plank?

Mrs. Scott and myself will be available in the morning or at the end of the day should any parents or carers wish to speak to us at any time during the year, we look forward to meeting you all so do please come and introduce yourselves.

Finally, you are now leading the "TOP OF THE SCHOOL" so we look forward to seeing you take on this responsibility with pride and maturity;one of your first important jobs will be welcoming and caring for your Reception buddy - we know you will rise to the challenge!

We hope you enjoy rollercoasters.............because Year 4 promises to be the ultimate thrill seeking, super fast, fun and exciting year!

Get plenty of sleep!

Mrs. J and Mrs. Scott

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