Monday 9 May 2016

DT day, Meditation, Swimming Gala and Biathle - Monday 9th May

I would like to say a huge thank you to Mr. Mills, Mrs. Gallego and Mrs. Hall who accompanied us to Tesco on Friday, as part of our DT day! What a super successful day! The children had researched, planned their pizza, budgeted for it using Tescos on line, they then used their lists to shop, looking for good deals/value for money and quality, whilst ensuring that their items were fitting for a person with their particular dietary need! Back at school, and after discussing the importance of hygiene, the children made their own pizzas without any assistance, working as a team preparing, cleaning, recycling, washing up, selecting correct equipment and utensils................ then for the sampling! Delicious! Some very healthy, tasty options - some groups decided that it would be quite difficult for some of the conditions to plan meals and shop because the selection was not available, or it was more expensive!!!!

This week is our health and safety week. This afternoon we discussed the importance of mental health, we allowed ourselves to be transported away into a world of awe and wonder, following this we learned how to meditate - we all loved this and felt very calm and at peace........... many of the children asking to do it again! Lovely!

Those children taking part in the swimming gala on Thursday afternoon, parents are welcome to come and watch - there is a £1 spectator fee. Could those children ensure they have 2 towels (1 for poolside and 1 for drying after)

There are a massive 11 children taking part in the Schools Biathle this Sunday - a brilliant response, so thank you to all those parents for supporting the event and thank you to your determined children!
I will email more details but they will need : hat, goggles, a swim suit that they can run in (ones with legs best), boys must have their tops covered for the run but they will need to take off a t-shirt to swim which can be tricky so me to discuss if you are unsure, trainers with elastic laces (have these in school this week so that we can practice). I will get you he joining instructions for the day asap!

See you all tomorrow,

Mrs. J and the Year 4 Team

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