Wednesday 27 January 2016

Reading Targets - Wednesday 27th Jan 2016

All I can say is, ask the children about rapping.................they will fill you in on the rest!!!!!! Excellent literacy! Well done year 4!

It was lovely to see such super team work in our collaborative learning project in RE, everyone supported each other and used each others skills and strengths.

In French we were learning how to say what we like/dislike to eat and drink in preparation for our cafe! We were also using dictionary skills too - well done!

In numeracy we were carrying out some cross curricular data handling with our science teeth topic.

Finally, during guided reading last week and this, I have added a new reading target into their diaries. These are targets which relate to each child's stage of learning in reading with relation to the national curriculum and our assessment tools. They have been chosen because they are targets that can be referred to at home when they are reading with you as well as in school and are designed to be met over approximately half a term. If you, your child or ourselves think that they have demonstrated the target then please tick the sticker, once there are 5 ticks I will sign it off and select a new target. The purpose of having a target, which we also have in other areas of the curriculum, is so that children know what it is they may need to do to help them improve with more of an achievable focus and they are also then encourage to take ownership of their learning and progress. Please do communicate through he home learning diary because this also encourages the children to use them in preparation for next year!

I look forward to seeing you at the parents consultation evening - the sign up sheet is in the cloakroom if you have not already signed up!

Mrs. Johnson

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