Thursday 3 September 2015

Welcome to Year 4!

A VERY warm welcome to Year 4! It was so lovely to see so many of you this morning - lots of friendly, smily faces!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, in fact, I know you did because the children told us all about them this morning!!!!!!!

Well, what a fantastic first day..............everyone was enthusiastic and demonstrated excellent listening skills and superb attitudes and behaviour!!! I sense a brilliant year ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!
There was a lot of listening and discussion throughout the day based around our class, the classroom, the teachers, culminating in agreeing on our very important class charter. This is an essential part to the beginning of every school year because it generates lots of discussion and thinking about why we are at school, what we expect from school and how we treat other people as well as the responsibilities that go along with these rights. They underpin the ethos in the classroom and establish a common agreement for the whole year, running nicely alongside the DASP citizenship caterpillars. I will be sending home and blogging a copy of the charter that the children created so that you can discuss it at home and refer to it throughout the year, demonstrating a 3 way partnership to the children between themselves, home and school.

We also met our buddies today which was very successful and I was extremely proud of each and every child in Year 4, they were kind, caring, friendly, understanding and good role models - Well done!!!!!!!

Thank you for a fantastic first day Year 4, I am really looking forward to tomorrow - I hope you are too!!!!

Remember Year 4, we discussed a step towards developing independence this year would be to see how many of you are able to come into class on their own and organise themselves in the morning - You can do it!!!!!!
(Mums and Dads, of course I am available if you need to see me or make an appointment to see me, and I will always be outside at the end of the day!)

Mrs. Johnson and The Wonderful Year 4 Team

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