Wednesday 7 January 2015

"Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?"

A great start back and a super start to 2015!
It sounds like everyone had a lovely holiday!

We made New Years Resolutions on Monday during our Jigsaw lesson, having discussed what an exciting year it would be!

In Numeracy we have been learning formal written methods of calculation focusing on grid method multiplication leading to short multiplication.

In Literacy our grammar focus is the uses of the apostrophe. We also had a very dramatic and important job to do yesterday............investigating a crime scene! Not just any crime scene...........a multiple death!!!!!!! We used our inference and deduction skills to examine various clues. Today we discovered if our theories were correct and if we needed to make any arrests! We learned of the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet!!!!!! Everyone loved the story and were surprised at the turn of events and the many twists in the tale. We are looking forward to more work on R&J as well as reading some of the other works by William Shakespeare! (Home learning will be following this week-end relating to Mr. Shakespeare!)

Our Art and Geography is interlinked with learning about the Gambia this week. In Science tomorrow we will embark on a journey starting with teeth and our mouth! Our RE was launched this week with a debate where the children were split into groups and had to work as teams to develop arguments and opinions relating to the cause I had given them. We then held debates which, as you can imagine, were superb! Everyone took turns and maturely used debating language! This was in order to show understanding of the term commitment. This will lead on to learning about how Hindus show commitment to their faith.

In French we immersed ourselves in vocabulary relating to food, cafes, shops and buying/ordering food - we used espresso to listen to French conversations and the children enjoyed identifying and saying different foods. We will be focusing on this over the next few weeks leading up to our welcome to Europe topic and subsequent cafe!

Today the children were extremely fit, with swimming this morning and hockey this afternoon where they learned and demonstrated excellent developing skills - control, movement/dribbling, passing and stopping. I look forward to continuing this love the next few weeks and hope we can get outside!

Home learning, spellings and times tables will all be sent out on Friday!

Any questions about the learning this week, then please ask me or, indeed your children who should be able to tell you all about it (numeracy for example!).

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