Monday 15 September 2014

That's the way to do it!

What an excellent start to the week Year 4!!!!! We demonstrated how creative we were when learning about fronted adverbial phrases this morning - see who can remember the ingredients and impress their parents!!!! In numeracy we were reading numbers in the trillions!!!!!!! Mind blowing!!!!!!! Our topic work saw us being incredibly focussed and resilient as we continued with using microsoft publisher to produce leaflets about WW2 - they are looking impressive and I can't wait until they are finished!
We worked on our spelling rules - suffixes and will continue to do so throughout the week. We will assess spellings after the test on Friday and I will decide if anyone needs alternative spellings!

A reminder to bring clarinets in tomorrow for Wednesdays lesson, as we do not want to take them to the swimming pool on Wednesday morning. Please stack them neatly in the music room before coming to class in the morning.

I am really looking forward to seeing those of you who signed up for running club in the morning - wear tracksuit bottoms if it is chilly and trainers, plus a suitable top depending on the weather - a water bottle will be an essential - I will meet you ready to start on the gang plank at 8:15 - if you arrive a little bit before you can drop your things off in the classroom/cloakroom!

Lets keep up the great work Year 4!

Mrs. Johnson


  1. I have no idea what a " fronted adverbial phrase" is but maybe someone in year four could explain it to me, please.
    Mrs Johnson, I hope you aren't too stiff from your run this morning. Everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves.
    I am so impressed that year four can read numbers into trillions. Can I challenge you all to read numbers with the same number of digits to the left and right of the decimal point?
