Saturday 8 September 2012

Home learning 7th Septmeber

Home learning, year 4 – 7th September 2012
The Olympic and Paralympic games will be finishing this weekend.  There are many things that have inspired us over the last month or so from the games.  Some of you have been lucky enough to go and see an event.  Others have watched in awe at the determination, courage and excellence that the athletes have demonstrated.  I thought it would be nice to put together a time capsule of our memories of the Cultural Olympiad 2012 and bury it somewhere in our garden for future Prince of Wales children to find! 
Please have a go at making a collage, picture, poster, model, power point presentation, or writing a paragraph or two about why it has been such an exciting and inspiring event.  We will include all of your work (as long as it fits – so don’t make it too big)!

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