Monday 5 June 2023

Summer term 2 in year 4

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely half term break and managed to enjoy the glorious weather. Welcome back to the second half of the Summer term. Hopefully the warm weather will continue and so please can you make sure your child brings a labelled water bottle to school daily. On sunny days sun hats and sunscreen applied before school are also recommended.   

Year 4 learning
This term in maths, the the children will be learning about decimals, time and money. They will also be handling data which links to this week's home learning (see below). 
In English, the children will be given the opportunity to get creative - writing their own fantasy stories. They will also have a very special opportunity to work on their very own book which will be printed. 
In science, we will be starting a new topic on Electricity. Children typically enjoy this topic as the get the opportunity to work will electricity kits kindly lent to us from Dorchester Middle School. 
In PSHE the children will be learning about how their body changes as they get older and how they can manage their emotions and foster positive relationships. 
We will continue our popular Samba drums sessions with Mr Whitmarsh on Tuesday afternoons and on Fridays Mr MacBean will be teaching our new history topic which explores the early islamic civilisation in Baghdad. 

Home learning
In addition to times tables, reading and spelling practice, for this week's home learning we would like the children to complete a tally chart of the number of electrical sockets that are found in each room of the home. Each child will be sent home with a worksheet with a table to complete on Tuesday afternoon although an electronic version can be viewed here
It would be wonderful if EVERY child could complete this home learning activity and return it to school by Monday 12th June to use in our science / maths lesson on handling and representing data. 
We also strongly recommend that this term all children start getting into the habit of completing and returning their home learning every week (including reading records). Home learning completion is an expectation at middle school and so getting into good habits now will hopefully make the transition smoother for your child from September.

Upcoming Dates
6th June - 16th June - Children will be completing the national Multiplication tables check over the next two weeks. I will take small groups to a quiet space to complete the check. Most children will complete the check next week, although 10 children will complete the check on the 6th or 7th June. 

Tuesday 6th June - SPACE youth project. Class assemblies and workshops followed by a family drop in session at 15.10pm in the hall - all parents and carers welcome. 

Wednesday 7th & 8th June - Roundhouse activity (see letter)

Tuesday 13th June - Book writing workshop

Thursday 22nd June - Miss Carney, our trainee teacher's last day

Monday 26th June - Class photographs

28th to 30th June - Year 4 residential

3rd to 14th July - Inclusive sports fortnight

4th July - Samba drums concert at 2.45pm - everyone welcome

6th July - Transfer day

7th July - Dance day

8th July - POWSA summer fair

12th July - KS2 sports day

20th July - Year 4 leavers assembly (details to follow)

As ever please get in touch if you have any questions, comments or concerns. 

Kind regards,
Ms Browne, Mr MacBean, Miss Carney and the year 4 team 🌞


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