Friday 18 March 2022

Home Learning for Year 4 and assembly clothes


Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a good week and are enjoying the warmer weather. 
This week in year 4, we've thought about the importance of our teeth; multiplied numbers using written methods;  considered where our food comes from and we have looked at maps and compared the countries England and Brazil. 

Home Learning
For this week's home learning I am asking the children to do some more research and compare two more countries.   

Here is a link to a copy of the sheet the children came home with, although they can present their country comparisons how they would like. 

The children also have spellings to learn. They should have a hard copy in their bags but their spellings for this week and the year can be accessed via Ed Shed. Here is a copy of the spellings should they have not made it home.  

Our class assembly
Our class assembly will be on Thursday 24th March. The topic will be on mathematics to coincide with maths day (the day before). All children should come in school uniform and will get changed in school only if they are a specific character.
We are looking for a few costume items that are needed for the roles and so if anyone has any pieces of costume for the following roles it would be appreciated. 

Costumes for:
Albert Einstein (TP) - Just round glasses needed.
An American cowboy type figure (CP)
Florence Nightingale / nurse (OP) 
A Scottish man with a beard (CW) 
Katherine Johnson (JHo) - I think JHo has this costume
Rachel Riley (HB) - I think HB has this costume
Astronauts (RD & FF)
A rockstar (AS)

As the weather warms, please could I ask that parents ensure that jumpers and cardigans are labeled. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend.     
Kind regards,
Ms Browne & the year 4 team. 

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