Friday 17 September 2021

This week's home learning and upcoming dress up days


Hello everyone,

It has been a good week in year 4, the children enjoyed their swimming lesson and have adjusted beautifully to year 4 life. We were particularly impressed that every child returned their home learning. This is a fantastic start to the year and it bodes well for getting the children into good home learning habits for middle school.  

This week's home learning
For this week's home learning:
1) children are asked to either create a family tree or research their family history during WW2 (this can be one family member). 
2) children are asked to practice their times tables and to read daily. The class have been given a reading journal for them to complete when they read at home. This is another home learning activity that both middle schools request, so again it is aimed to help prepare the children. Ideally, I would like them to record every time they read for 15 minutes or more (the middle schools request 5x 20 minutes) but to start off, if children could record their reading in the reading journal once a week in Autumn term 1, this would be a great start.  

Upcoming dress up days
At the end of the month we will have Food, Faith and Farming fortnight. In addition to other events, all children at POW will be invited to dress up as a farmer and year 4 children will be invited to dress up as a child evacuee and we will go to Maiden Castle Farm to have an evacuee experience.  More information will follow about this soon but I wanted to give you time to put together an evacuee costume.  
For the full evacuee experience children will be asked to try to wear similar clothes to those worn during the 1940s (where possible). As children will be working on the farm like evacuee children did they should try to wear wellies or boots. Other clothing suggestions include a woollen jumper or cardigan, a blouse or shirt, knee length shorts or skirt or dress.  Next week's home learning will be to make a gas mask box.  

As ever, if you have any questions, comments or concerns please either email me or talk to myself or a member of the team before or after school.

We all hope you all have a lovely weekend. 🌞

Kind regards,
Ms Browne, Mrs Hall, Mrs Thompson, Miss Street and Mrs Burgess.  

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