Monday 13 July 2020

Final week of POW!

Wow, I can't quite believe that we are in our final week of Year Four and the last week of being at POW!!

This week is going to be an emotional one for all but will also be full of happiness and laughter. Today we all enjoyed some time in the meadow and garden area. Tomorrow we are having a picnic in the meadow and also having a fire at the roundhouse area as we could not do this last week. Wednesday we are having another water fight and also taking part in sports day! Thursday we will be practising for our assembly and taking part in a quiz. Then before we know it...Friday will be here.

As you all know Friday is our leavers assembly. This starts at 10:30 sharp, however, you can come onto the field from 10am. There will be specific places set out on the field for you to sit in your bubble. After the assembly you are all invited to have a picnic lunch with your children. This will be 12-1pm. The children will then take part in a talent show during the afternoon. At 2:20pm the children will all be taking part in a final walk around the school where the rest of the school will be clapping them from their kingdoms. Please may you pick up your children at 2:30pm from the school gates. If for any reason you are late we will keep the children in their kingdoms until you collect them.

Please can you ensure that children are dressed in smart clothes for their leavers assembly - an outfit that you would wear to the oscars. We do have some clothing at school if you do need to borrow any.

This is yet another fun filled week at The Prince of Wales and we promise to make it a memorable last week for all children.

Thank you for your continued support!!

The Year Four Team x

P.S - bring tissues with you on Friday, it's going to be a tear jerker!

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