Sunday 28 June 2020

Inclusive sports week and continuing the final tour!

Hello all, I am so happy to see most children back at school, it really has lifted everyone's spirits. Three weeks left and so much to fit in, it is going to fly by so hold onto your hats!

Tomorrow is the start of our three week long period of Inclusive Sports. Tomorrow we have paralympian Helen Lucas joining us to launch the event during our assembly. Year Four will also be taking part in Boccia tomorrow. Boccia is a paralympic sport and is similar to bowls.

Mr Treble will also be helping us get ready for sports day which will include sprinting, hurdles, football dribble, small ball throw, obstacle course and relay. Year Four's sports day with be Thursday 16th July in the afternoon.

Coming up this Friday is DANCE DAY. The Year Four children will be dancing to Reach - S Club 7. Unfortunately due to the current pandemic parents aren't allowed to come and watch. However, we will be filming the dances and taking lots of pictures.

The children should have come home with lyrics for two songs that we are learning. Please can you spend some time at home helping your children to learn the lyrics to these. Both songs are on Youtube and we are spending time in school working on these as well.

The Final Tour really kicks off this week. On Tuesday we have 'Tardis Tuesday' which is a look back in the POW photo archive. Wednesday we have our final trip to Maiden Castle Farm - please send your child in with wellies and a packed lunch! Thursday is 'Thursday Tunes' which is a final sing-a-long with Mr Macbean. Then as well as Dance Day on Friday we have 'Funky Friday' which is a Year 4 disco on the field and we are asking all children to dance 'FUNKY'.

Busy week coming up for all and we can't wait to make these last weeks as memorable as we can! I know I will never forget this year!!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

The Year Four Team! x

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