Friday 25 January 2019

Year 4 - Home Learning - 25th January 2019

Home learning - Year 4 - Spring Week 3
25th January 2019

Design a Turtle
We have been set a challenge for Science Week!
As we begin our new topic on Sea Turtles, we have been asked to make two giant sea turtles out of junk that can be recycled!  So, I currently have two dustbin lids for their shells, but I need to design the rest of the turtles. How are we going to make the rest of their body?  Their heads? Their flippers? What recycled junk could we use?
For home learning this week I would like you to draw a labelled diagram of our turtle model, telling me what materials we could use for each part of the design.  Also, if you have some recycling that you think would be useful to build our turtles please bring that in as well.
Image result for turtle made out of plastic
An extra challenge:
Next week we will be looking at Flotsam by David Wiesner to inspire our writing.  Have a look at the picture below and see if you can write a creative paragraph about what you can see.  I’ve given you the opening few words to get you started.
Image result for images from Flotsam
He stared through the magnifying glass, spellbound by…_________________________________
Please remember:
Times Tables Rockstars, Mathletics, AR Reading Quizzes and Purple Mash which can all be accessed at home to support your learning in school.

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