Saturday 29 September 2018

Year 4 - Home learning - 28th September 2018

Home learning - Year 4 - Week 4
Please complete one or more of the following

Choice 1:
We continue to look for more evidence for the POW Passports, last week’s challenges are in red and this week’s in black!  We have a box in the classroom where we are collecting evidence and the passport officials are available every break time. Let’s see if we can stamp more passports!
We are looking for evidence of the following categories:
Evidence for baking a cake
Evidence for performing in public
Evidence for tying own shoelaces
Evidence for launching a rocket
Evidence of learning to play an instrument
Evidence of making a mud pie!
Evidence of riding a bike
Evidence of reciting a poem.

We would also welcome pictures of your child when they were in different year groups through the school, these are to stick into the book, so please don’t send your best copies.

Choice 2:
We are entering a competition!  The children have been asked to design a poster for the Dorset County Hospital to promote recycling. Lots of schools are taking part.
Please ensure that all pictures are clearly identifiable with the name of the child who has drawn the picture along with details of their year group and level of entry for the competition.
We will be entering Level 2 - Years 3 and 4
The closing date for this competition is after half term holiday on 1st November.
So the first question that you probably have is what is required for the competition?
Pictures on A4 sized white paper blank unlined, unsquared.
Pictures need to be colourful, but in any form.
Use an image or theme that will fill the sheet of paper.
The poster should encourage the use of recycling using ideas seen at home, at school, in a supermarket, in surrounding areas and through public information services.  
The prize is for the winner of each level is to have their picture created into a poster for use around Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to help promote and encourage recycling of waste, with plans to promote locally.

Choice 3:
Harvest Sonnets!  Next week we will be writing our own Harvest Sonnets.  To do this we need to start writing some iambic pentameters!  Big words I know, but quite an easy idea. An iambic pentameter is a phrase or sentence that fits the rhythm:
Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum. (10 syllables)
For example:
The tractor is a ploughing in the field.
Along the hedges, berries you will see.
The soft and silent leaves begin to fall.
At Harvest time we’re thankful for our food.
Have a go at writing your own iambic pentameters about Harvest and we will use them when we are writing our poems this week.

Have a fantastic weekend!

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