Friday 20 April 2018

Year 4 Friday 20th April 2018

As with the summer term, already a week has whizzed past us!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to all of you who were able to make it to the Year 4 information session this morning. Please look out for dates on the blog or via letters for upcoming events. I did mention that we will have a Celt day and a Roman day where the children can dress up - please DO NOT feel that you are obliged to buy an outfit - tracksuits/shorts/leggings/t-shirts and a blanket or sheet are ideal to fashion a costume from! Celt day will be before half term and Roman day will be towards the end of summer 2.

We have an EXTRA year 4 class assembly - please see the calendar.

3 things to remind you for our forthcoming trip:

1. ALL children will need a packed lunch provided by yourselves on the first day - hot dinners have been cancelled - ask at the office for further information.
2. Sweets: I said they could bring a SMALL quantity - they will be given times to eat/share them and will be expected to give them to us at bedtimes. I said it was between themselves and their families to discuss and we would respect your decision.
3. Pocket money : between £2.50 - £5 - items to buy range from 50p - £2

Thank you for your support - please come and see me if you have any questions.

Mrs. J and Mrs. Scott

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