Sunday 7 January 2018

Year 4 Sunday 7th January 2018

2018 = "The Year of Year 4!"
What an exciting and challenging year of adventure, learning and changes we have ahead of us! The next two terms are really important for us now in terms of increasing independence, self organisation, our attitudes to learning, effort and focus in our learning, increased self confidence and self esteem building.

We began our new year by thinking about dreams and goals for the coming year, after revisiting our class charter - rights and responsibilities! This meant that everyone has started their learning how they mean to go on - with a big focus on effort and resilience!

As you may have noticed we are learning about journalistic writing in literacy, so please do take a moment to share a newspaper or article together and encourage the children to identify the key features! We will be using these features to create our own newspaper articles over the next couple of weeks - but obviously need a this space!!!!!!!!😉

In numeracy we began by learning formal written calculation methods for multiplication, this week we will be developing our reasoning skills.

In swimming we had the lane ropes in and ALL groups are now swimming lengths!!!!!👍👍👍👍

Home learning: Spellings (learn the lists across as before - 2 rows list 1, 4 rows list 2, 6 rows list 3, all = challenge!), times tables, newspaper comprehension.

I cannot emphasise enough how important it is for ALL children to be practising their x tables and spellings so please take 10 minutes a day to practise! Not only are they required to know all their tables by the end of year 4, but being able to quickly draw on this knowledge will help them in many areas of numeracy as they progress through the following year groups. Thank you for your support at home, this really compliments and consolidates what we do in class!

Mrs. Scott and Mrs. J

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