Tuesday 28 February 2017

Year 4 Tuesday 28th February 2017 - Book Day info/learning!

Bon Soir!!!!!!!!!!!😀

Well, how many pancakes/crepes have you eaten today????????????? I feel VERY full!!!!!!!!
As Mr. M said, it was a very successful afternoon - merci bien!

At the end of last week we had a visit from a few of the characters in Romeo and Juliet - we were able to hot seat them in order to find answers to some very interesting questions that had been "bothering" us, with regards to characters actions, feelings and responses!!!!!!!
(well done to those class members who were able to take on the role of those characters and be questioned, responding in character and without any preparation - it illustrated that you were all absorbed int he story and were able to empathise, infer and deduce, which was our learning objectives!)
This week we have begun with some characterisation work in order to explore the story at a greater depth. We will be continuing our learning exploring many genres of writing linked to Romeo and Juliet ............. we will keep you posted!
In Numeracy this week and next we will be learning about and deepening our learning about aspects of time. Do make this a focus at home if you can!

I cannot wait to see all the fantastic costumes to celebrate world book day on Thursday - we are very excited! 2 activities I have planned for the day are "speed reading" and a "book swap" - Please could each child bring in their favourite story that they will recommend to each child in the class in a 2 minute time slot - they need to be prepared to talk about the book.
Secondly, for the book swap - if your child has 1 book that they would like to swap with another child in year 4, with your permission, and as a permanent exchange, then please bring it in on Thursday and hopefully they will have someone to swap with (if they do not find a book they would like to swap then they can bring their original book home or choose to donate it to the school library - with your permission!) Please ensure that the book is age appropriate - thanks! A great way to try/get a new book!

Finally we have been rehearsing hard for the DASP singing concert, so just a reminder that it is only a couple of weeks away, as well as our class assembly.
FYI: coming up soon - Friday 10th March we will be visiting DMS in the afternoon to carry out an orienteering afternoon with Mr. Treble, we will be there for the afternoon and back in  time for the end of the day - there will be a note coming home about this, but children will need PE kits and trainers for this (warm tracksuits if it is cold!)

Any parents that were unable to come to Parent Consultations, please do come and arrange another 10 minute time convenient to yourselves.

See you tomorrow for swimming,

Mrs. J and the Year 4 Team

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