Wednesday 25 January 2017

Year 4 Wednesday 25th January 2017 - Dates!

Good Evening,

Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend the Hooke Court information afternoon. I do hope it was useful and, again, feel free to come in and ask any questions that come to mind following the meeting! The children enjoyed the presentation this afternoon and had MANY questions, we will continue to discuss it over the next couple of weeks as  I am sure there will be many more questions! As I said at the meeting, do take time to have a look on the website as it is very informative and exciting to look at!

It was brought to my attention that there was an error with a couple of dates that were in the news letter but did not match those on the calendar: Thursday 16th March is the Year 4 DASP music concert and the following day, Friday 17th March, is our class assembly - 9:20 in the school hall!!!!!! I do apologise and thank you to those people who quickly brought it to my attention - problem solved!!!!!!! Phew!!

If the children have been practising persuading you at home to do things, that is entirely my fault! But, it does illustrate that they are applying their literacy learning!!!!!! We have begun our learning about persuasive writing so be prepared for some very persuasive, convincing language!

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow,

Mrs. J and The Year 4 Team.

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