Thursday 30 June 2016

Thursday 30th June 2016 - LOTS of information!

Riddle: None - Coconut trees don't grow bananas!

Our trip to the museum and the town house was a huge success - really interesting and captivating, bringing the topic to life and particularly putting it into context in our local area!
Thank you to those wonderful parents that volunteered to join us and who also endured the torrential rain!!!!!!!!
Let's hope next weeks trip is more dry!!!! (Thank you to all the offers of help for next Tuesday - much appreciated!)

Pyjama swimming/basic water safety was also a huge success - the children were very surprised to feel how heavy their clothes felt in the water. They also remembered basic CPR that they learned on our recent first aid training afternoon. It was impressive to see such young children able to tread water confidently and also to tow someone across the pool - well done!!!!

We had a very successful day filming our leavers dvd with the invaluable help of Mr. Scott from THS - we can't wait to see it!

Sadly today was also the last clarinet lesson - I can't believe it has gone so quickly!!!!! They have made superb progress and we were able to show off our skills to a school audience this afternoon. We hope to play you the video at our leavers assembly! If there are any Dorset Music Service clarinets still at home, please could they be brought back into school asap as they will be collected soon.

A reminder that Sports morning is now on Monday and our swimming gala is next Wednesday. As well as all these events, next week we will also be having a Rio themed week culminating in a carnival next Friday afternoon which you are invited to come and watch (watch this space for timings).

Mrs. Ray, the head of Year 5 from DMS is coming in on Monday afternoon to meet the children and give a short assembly - of course leading nicely to transfer day next Thursday - where has that time gone???????? (Don't forget to drop your child at their new school for the day and collect them from there at the end of transfer day!)

Sooooooooo much information - thank you for reading!!!!

I hope the "old person" costume hunting is going well - I have seen a few pieces arrive!!!!! I am told the Salvation Army shop is a good place to source items!

Re DMS/THS uniform - Mrs. Davenport discovered a very useful shop being run at THS sixth form during the holidays where you will be able to purchase all the uniform - please ask her for the dates and times (you do not need to book apparently, just turn up!!!) Thanks Mrs. Davenport - super helpful!!!!

Phew - that's it!!!!!!!

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. J and the Year 4 Team.

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