Sunday 22 November 2015


The children worked very hard last week on their writing and produced some wonderful pieces during the Big Write, which was a great success. The children enjoyed writing for an extended period in a relaxed, peaceful environment with quiet music paying and an interactive candle to use as a focus in times of thinking! They actually requested not to finish and wanted to continue the following day!!!!!!!!

You will see that in the home learning folder, as well as the usual spellings, there was a cake baking home learning to be decorated with the ww2 theme - these need to be brought in on FRIDAY for the Tea Dance. Have great fun baking and decorating together - what numeracy can you use? Also, on WEDNESDAY, they need to bring in the items they need for their make do and mend DT project.

Costume requests and scripts will be coming home on Tuesday - I hope there has been a lot of singing practise already!!!!!!!!

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