Tuesday 6 October 2015

Home Learning!

Celebration, after celebration, after celebration!!!!!! The last few days have seen some amazing pieces of home learning brought in, from WW2 projects (bread and butter pudding, models, animations, posters............), to Harvest poems and home baked bread (which we were able to sample - scrumptious!)

Today, Mr. Farrington taught us all about Indian farming in Silvepura, we deduced similarities and differences, putting our powerpoint skills into practise to express our learning! Super work!

Please ask the children to explain what a main clause, a subordinate clause and a fronted adverbial phrase is (remind them of Baby Alan crab and Mummy Suzie crab!!!!!!) we have been learning about them and I hope to see them being applied to writing!!!!!!!

In art we have been developing painting skills in the style of Georges Seurat for our Harvest art - pointilism.

In numeracy we are developing our learning about time.

We hope to see you at the Harvest assembly and/or the Harvest cafe on Friday - children are able to bring in a small amount of money on Friday in order to buy something from the cafe.

Finally, if you use the play trail after school, please could you ensure your children are supervised and in sight, this is because there are often children playing unsupervised behind our classroom and unfortunately, more recently, they have been playing with sticks from the garden area and there have been some injuries as a result.

Happy swimming tomorrow!

Mrs. Johnson and the Year 4 Team.

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