Friday 26 June 2015

LOADS of info for next week-please read me so you don't miss out!!!!

Good evening everyone!

Bits and bobs: sports morning on Monday, we are displaying skills first at approximately 9:10, and races at approx 10:10! (Children and PARENTS, bring trainers!!!!! Also sun hats depending on the weather!)
Tuesday=Cranbourne Day, late return and wear old play clothes!!!! Don't forget your packed lunch!!!!! I will do running club for those that would like it!!!!
Wednesday = swimming gala! drop at pool as usual and stay to watch in the gallery! it will run for 1 hour! (Don't worry mums and dads, you won't be expected to race too!!!!) also we will be filming our Leavers DVD today, so please wear home clothes (NO uniform) and some fun/funny accessories may be brought in too!!!!
Thursday = Transfer Day!!!! Where has that time gone????? You will need to go to your new school, NOT here!!!!
Friday = Normal!!!!!! Phew!!!!!

Congratulations to Fynn, who won the art competition!!!! Good luck on your mud run this week-end too, a tough event!!!!!
Well done to Polly, who did extremely well in her singing - top marks!!!!!!

Ben S and Erin represented our school, along with other DASP children, at the Houses of Parliament this Thursday, they met Oliver Letwin and presented him with ALL our "send a friend to school" models - a cause where we were appealing to world leaders to ensure ALL children across the world go to school. Something which was promised some years ago, and has yet to be achieved!!!! Great job you two, lots of photos taken so look out for them in newspapers etc and I think they enjoyed having a bit of a "snoop" around, spotting the golden throne which the Queen sits on when she goes there!!!!

Finally, the finale to our "Roman" collaborative learning project today. All groups prepared and presented their projects, which they had spent 2 weeks working on!!!!!! All very different!!!! Each group could explain their learning, the learning skills they used, how they worked as a team, why they chose to create it the way they did and were able to reflect on what went well and even better if!!!! Super successful.......we had posters, models, woodwork, cakes, clay sculptures, movie trailers.......this just went to show their mature level of independent thinking and learning and their creative thinking too......a good culmination of their First School learning experiences from Reception through to Year 4!!!!!!! Well done, outstanding effort - how we are supposed to judge I do not know!!!!!!!!! (That's my week-end gone!!!!!! :-))

Dust off and de-stink your trainers ready for Monday.........have a good week-end!!!!

Mrs. J and The Wonder Team!!!!!!!

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