Thursday 4 December 2014

Costumes and learning this week!

And so the excitement begins.........

Tonight children came home with their costume note - please could they bring costumes in to school as soon as possible, on a named coat hanger then we can pop it straight on a rail! Thank you - if there are any problems with costumes please see a member of the year 4 team!

I would also really urge you to work with your child on practising their lines or song words - it makes rehearsing a lot quicker and smoother if they know their lines - this should now be their only home learning!

This week, in literacy, children have been set an open ended challenge to "show off" their literacy learning and skills so far this term. Having watched a short animation, they had to choose a genre of writing they have enjoyed this term and use the film as a stimulus to write in that genre - they had various elements to consider and include in order to show their progress in writing this term!
Numeracy has seen us embarking on a new challenge, using and applying our measuring skills in a cross curricular link with art. We learned about 2 historical mathematicians, Fibonacci and Pythagorus who investigated and discovered links between, sequences, measure and angles and patterns in nature - specifically the swirl! Children used their skills to produce art work based upon these theories! Impressive stuff! They will be displayed in our cloakroom when finished!

Pleas can I ask you once more, to consider if you child needs to bring in a large back pack to school daily because our cloakroom is very small and quite often, because of the amount of things hung on pegs, coats and bags end up all over the floor! This results in coats being trodden on or items being broken and also is a dangerous trip hazard! If they are able to just bring in a book bag and lunch box this would make a huge difference!

Finally, some children have come to school without coats this week, and as I am sure you will agree it has been VERY cold, so please could everyone have a warm coat, hat etc in school!

Thank you!

Mrs. Johnson

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