Thursday 6 November 2014

Thank you!

Good Evening Everyone!

Thank you to all of you who were able to make it to parents evening - it was incredibly valuable and great to see you all! I will endeavour to tackle tasks that I spoke to some of you about, next week! If you were unable to make it then please come in and arrange an appointment with me - I think there were only 6 families I didn't meet!

This week we have been learning to understand and add/subtract through zero - using negative numbers! In literacy we have been creating fireworks poems, learning to use onomatopoeia and personification (ask your child to explain what they are!) - some truly amazing poems have been created!!!!!!!! In RE we began our new topic about how Christians use symbolism at Christmas. Our Science saw us finishing our electricity topic - as Isabelle put it "Mrs. Johnson, I thought Science was awesomely hair-raising!" (static electricity - great joke!!!) In French we learned more masculine words and are able to construct a sentence with an adjective.......C'est un perroquet bleu! (How do the French use adjectives differently to the English? Tell your family!!!!)

I hope you received the information about our VE Day Tea Dance Party on Monday afternoon from 2pm in the school hall. Home Learning was to make some fairy cakes/a whole cake, decorate it with a WW2 theme and bring it/them in on Monday morning. Please come along and join in the fun. Children also NEED TO WEAR THEIR EVACUEE OUTFIT FOR THE DAY.

Talents that we have seen in school this week include Georgia and Elise wowing us with their amazing recorder playing, Amy, Polly, Mollie and Georgia singing to us - very tunefully and confidently may I add (super impressed!) and Ben, Shannon and Erin singing and playing for us today.....keep the talent coming!

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Miss. Howard and Miss. Pearce to Year 4. They are PGCE students from Plymouth University who are spending 5 weeks this half term with us and 6 weeks after Christmas with us, teaching the class at various points beginning with small groups and lesson inputs, gradually working towards whole class teaching.

Thank you for all the wonderful Poetry competition entries - deadline tomorrow - I look forward to judging them!

Mrs. Johnson and the Year 4 Team

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