Wednesday 15 October 2014

What have we been up to.........?

I think you'll all agree that Year 4 were excellent ambassadors for the school last Friday when they served at the Harvest Cafe - I thought you were all courteous, helpful and charming! Well done!

A huge "Thank You" to Mrs. Mystery-Dyer who came into our class last week and taught us all about the Hindu celebrations of Puja, home shrines and was fascinating seeing her home shrine and we all got to make our own group Thallis and learned how to worship - very magical!

The clarinet playing is going from strength to strength - it is very evident that you have all been practising and you are all showing an astonishing ability to read music. Today we learned some new songs - reading the music brilliantly, knowing the notes in a scale, playing a scale and learning note "A". Super work - keep it up!

A reminder that our class assembly is this Friday morning at 9:20 - I have asked the children to bring int heir costumes tomorrow so that we can see if anyone needs some help organising theirs.
You might be interested to know that the Scholastic Book Fair is in school at the moment - it will be open that morning so do have a browse if you haven't already had a chance to - the children did look round it today and some of them have large shopping lists!!!!!!!!! (Great for Christmas presents!)
FYI - during our assembly we will be showing pictures of our trip to Bovington, as a pre-warning some of the pictures show the children wearing gas masks - these masks are MODERN and TOTALLY SAFE - this was also made aware to us and all the children on our visit and we knew this from our visit last year!

Anyone that swam in the Swimarathon - if you have any sponsorship money please could you bring it in by the end of NEXT week - thank you!

We are looking forward to our themed Rights Respecting week next week!

There are still a few slots for parents evening in our cloakroom if you have not already signed up!

Let's hope we don't all have to practise being ducks in the morning on our way in...........

Year 4 Team

1 comment:

  1. It was a pleasure to teach Year 4 so thank you and all the staff. The children were really cool and created an enlightening atmosphere. After half term I will bring in some Diwali sweetmeats for you all to taste as promised. Prebha Isabelle's mum
