Wednesday 24 April 2013

WOW vocab, effective openers, cool connectives and poweful punctuation.

Year 4 have been doing some fantastic work in Literacy 'uplevelling' our sentences. We have been improving our work focusing on V.C.O.P (vocabulary, connectives, openers, punctuation).
We started with the sentence:
The mouse ate the cheese.
-  added some WOW vocabulary 'sneaky', 'mischievious', 'crafty', 'miniscule'.
The mischievous mouse ate the cheese.
- used a connective to extend our sentence 'but', 'meanwhile', 'although' ,'also', 'however' 'until'.
The mischievous mouse ate the cheese until he heard a purr from the doorway.
- gave it an opening using an adverb (-ly word) 'slowly', 'noisily', 'bravely'.
Quietly, the mischievous mouse ate the cheese until he heard a purr from the doorway.
- lastly, we added some powerful punctuation.
Quietly, the mischievous mouse ate the cheese until he heard a purr from the doorway...
Can you improve my sentence using V.C.O.P? Improved examples will be added to our Literacy wall. Parents feel free to comment your improved sentences below.
The cat ran along the wall.


  1. Cautiously the scared cat ran along the crumbling wall until he saw the angry dog had gone. Phew!

  2. Peculiarly, the black cat skulked along the wall eyeing up the vegetable plot however this wasn't any normal was VEGECAT!

  3. Caroline Bascombe28 April 2013 at 15:20

    Secretively, the cat skulked along the brick wall, eyeing the robin until he.....POUNCED!
