Saturday 8 December 2012

The young apprentice challenge - the results

The results of the challenge are listed below...
Home Guard group made £3.50 for POWSA and had 1 peg left, when costings are taken into account they would have earned £1.64.
Fire Wardens group made £5.00 for POWSA and had 8 pegs left, when costings are taken into account they would have earned £2.70.
ARP Wardens group made £6.30 for POWSA and had 3 pegs left, when costings are taken into account they would have earned £3.19.
Evacuee group made £5.40 for POWSA and had 4 pegs left, when costings are taken into account they would have earned £1.92.
Secret service group made £4.50 for POWSA and had 9 pegs left, when costings are taken into account they would have earned £2.26.
Dig for Victory group made £8.50 for POWSA and had 1 peg left, when costings are taken into account they would have earned £6.46.

In conclusion...
I don't know whether the successful groups earnings were down to pricing strategy or generous parents spending their money on their children's work, but it did mean that year 4 raised over £33 for POWSA!  Well done year 4!
as a result....


  1. Caroline Bascombe8 December 2012 at 12:07

    That's a relief! Back to school on Monday then!

  2. Big thank you on behalf of POWSA.
