Wednesday 28 September 2011

Mathletics Warning!!

As you know, the children have really enjoyed the mathletics programme through year 3.  Now the children are starting on the year 4 programme, there are a couple of activities that have been wrongly placed.  For example in the Something Easier section in block B there are some activites on Surface Area of Prisms, this is definately not year 4 work, but year 6 upwards.  The division is also different to the way in which we teach it.  I have reported this to Mathletics, but they have yet to change the activites in question.  I hopethe children continue to enjoy the activities, games and speed maths as they did last year.

1 comment:

  1. Miss. Johnson very good of you to spot this. It is something we must all be aware of when using online learning resources. This is another reason why we always try to encourage parents to work with their children when using the Internet.
