Wednesday 4 September 2024

Welcome to Year 4

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely summer and are looking forward to all the adventures we have in store for you in Year 4. 

We are so excited to welcome you back and we have lots of fun, team building and relaxing activities to help your child get settled into year 4.  

Drop off and collection points for year 4
Please be aware that year 4 should be dropped off and collected via the year 4 front door (opposite Maiden castle road and the bicycle shed). If your child has younger siblings at POW please feel free to collect them first before coming to us. 
PE kits
This term, year 4 will be having PE lessons on Mondays, so ideally we would like your child to come to school with a labelled PE kit by Monday morning please. I will be sending home swimming letters on Thursday so please look out for these and return them ASAP as swimming starts next Thursday. 

Reception buddies
Year 4 will have reception buddies but please be aware that they will not given their buddy this week. We will be meeting the reception children on Friday and staff will start thinking about what personalities will be best suited to being buddies. 

Parent Information / Residential session
The Year 4 parent information session is on Friday 13th September at 2.45pm. For the first 15 minutes Ms Browne will update you on general Year 4 information then in the remaining time we will invite your child into the session and talk about what to expect during our residential. We have found adult and child residential info sessions to be really useful for families in the past and if parents aren't free please send grandparents, aunties or uncles. 

See you all in the morning
😊 The Year 4 Team 😊 


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