Monday 9 September 2024


In Y4 Computing today, we were reminded how to login and access Google Classroom safely. From Google Classroom, we then joined Mr Spracklen’s ‘Y4 Virtual Classroom’ on TinkerCAD. 

TinkerCAD is 3D modelling software that we will use as part of our #ROAR2024 unit of work. 

TinkerCAD will allow us to design in 3D before printing on our school’s new 3D Printer (recently purchased by POWSA, thank you POWSA). 

Today, we go to grips with TinkerCAD using the following tutorials set by Mr Spracklen →

The children really enjoyed exploring this software and seeing their designs come to life in 3D. It’s a fantastic way to build their digital creativity and problem-solving skills!

Why not try this at home?

TinkerCAD is free to use and can be accessed from any device. It’s a great way to encourage your child’s imagination, and you might even want to try designing something together. You could start with simple objects like a keychain or toy and work up to more complex designs as you go.

Encourage your child to share their creations with family and friends or even bring them in to print at school. 

Have fun designing!

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