Thursday 18 July 2024

Last day at POW

Hello everyone,

Firstly, thank you for our lovely gifts, cards and kind words. We have loved working with your children and watching them shine and grow.  

We can't believe that it our the last day tomorrow.  It has been a truly incredible year and we couldn't be prouder of everything that the children have achieved and how much they have developed.

The forecast for tomorrow is hot and sunny and so in addition to wearing their award ceremony outfits, we strongly suggest that the children wear sun-hats and sunscreen and bring a bottle of water. All children will need a packed lunch and should also bring a snack as normal. 

Tomorrow's timetable:
  •   9.45 gates open for parents and carers to find their seats.
  • 10.30  leavers award begins (there will be an interval)
  • 12.30 - 13.30 - Family picnic with year 4 child and any siblings
  • 15.20 - Year 4 get clapped out of school and will be ready to collect at the front of school. 

We are so excited to celebrate year 4 tomorrow. It can be an emotional day and whilst we will be sad to say goodbye, we know that the children are ready for their next adventures at middle school. 

Thank you for being a part of our school community. We do hope that you and the children will stay in touch. 

Lots of love,
Ms Browne, Mrs Hall, Mr MacBean and Mrs Thomas. xxx


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