Wednesday 25 September 2024

Trip to the Museum

 Hello Year Four Families

We had a wonderful time at the County Museum today. The children learnt about different habitats that animals live in. Animals big, all the way down to microscopic! They used magnifying glasses to investigate creatures close up.

We then had a chance to go down into the basement which was a real privilege, The children got to see where specimens are kept and how they are preserved and looked after. It really was amazing down there!

Back up in the museum we investigated how birds use different shaped beaks to eat different things. The children took on roles as spoonbills, tweezerbills, pegbills and scissorbills. It was interesting to see what they could collect and they learnt how different birds eat different things depending on their beaks. 

Lastly, we found out how a range of scientists collected information about their findings. We learned that many used field journals to do this. The children then had the opportunity to make their own.

We had a fantastic morning at the museum . . .  and beat the rain home!

I am sure the children will have lots to tell you about their trip today and will enjoy sharing their field journals with you this evening.

The Year Four Team

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