Sunday 8 September 2024

Week 1 in Year 4


We had a wonderful few days in Year 4 and I am so proud of how well the children have settled back into school.  

Thank you so much for returning so many swimming consent letters so far. Please could any remaining letters be returned ASAP. 

We have a busy term ahead of us and so I have listed a few dates below to help you track what is going on. This Friday 13th at 2.45pm we have our year 4 parent information session where I will give more details about what to expect in year 4. This will be followed by our residential adult and child session where I will talk through our upcoming residential trip with the class and their adults so that everyone knows what to expect.

Things to bring into school
- Please could all children bring a labelled jacket, drinks bottle and school jumper into school daily. 
- Children need labelled PE kits for Mondays (we can keep these in school and return them half termly). 
- Swimming kits and rain jackets are needed every Thursday during Autumn terms 1 & 2.
- Reading records into school every Friday please. Thank you to those people that returned their child's reading record last week. To conserve paper we would really like to reuse last year's records so please could you return any that you have at home by Monday

Upcoming Dates
Monday 9th Sep - Whole school bike show & KS2 bike workshops
Thursday 12th Sep - Y4 swimming starts weekly
Friday 13th Sep - Parent info & residential info sessions from 2.45pm
Monday 16th Sep - Individual and whole school photographs
Wednesday 25th Sep - Urban Nature project visit
Wednesday 2nd - 4th October - Residential
From Monday 7th Oct - Food, Faith and Farming fortnight
Friday 18th Oct - Harvest Festival assemblies 
Monday 21st Oct - Early Parents' evening
Thursday 24th Oct - Late Parents' evening 

Kind regards,
The Year 4 team 😊

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