Tuesday 2 July 2024

What is happening on Friday (drums, dancing and speeches)


Leavers speech recordings
The children will be recording their leavers assembly speeches on Friday and so they may want to have another practice of these.  A photocopy of the speeches were sent home a few weeks ago, although those children that reported they had lost their original copies have a replacement being sent home today. 
On Friday, the children may also want to bring in their leavers hoodies if they would like to be filmed wearing them.    

Dance day and Samba drums performance
This Friday the children will be taught a dance that they will perform at this Friday's dance day. A separate email will follow but parents and carers will be invited to watch the dances from 2.30pm. Year 4 will also perform their Samba drums at the end of the dance day (following their final session with Mr Whitmarsh on Friday morning). I have been very impressed with the children's drumming skills -  they are amazing musicians.  

Last swim
Next week, year 4 will be given the opportunity to have a last class swim at on Thursday 11th. Please could all children bring their swimming things (hats, costumes or shorts and goggles) as well as a rain jacket if it looks like rain.  

Upcoming Dates
Wednesday 3rd July - KS2 mini professors assembly
Thursday 4th July - Middle school transfer Day
Friday 5th July - Dance Day and Samba drums performance starts 2:30pm
Saturday 6th July - POWSA Summer fayre
Tuesday 9th July - KS2 sports day (9.15am - 11am)
Thursday 11th July - Year 4 last swimming session
Friday 19th July - Leavers assembly and last day of term

As ever, if you have any questions or comments please get in touch. 
Kind regards,
The Year 4 team

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