Tuesday 9 July 2024

End of term activities, rail safety information and home learning


Dear parents and carers, 

It was such a shame that we needed to cancel today's sports day which will now be held next Tuesday (weather permitting). 

As we were missing our sports morning Ms Evans invited year 4 to come to reception to spend time with their buddies whilst they had a visit from her mother's dog and puppy. Following our puppy time, Mr Treble gave the children a session on the climbing equipment in the hall which they absolutely loved. We had such a lovely morning which seemed to alleviate any sports day disappointment the children had.  

Railway safety 
We also discussed rail safety today. Earlier in the term the school was made aware of an increase in trespass incidents in Dorset and so we we watched a video from Rail Safe Friendly ahead of the Summer holidays.  The session was written for key stage 2, although some children may have been struck by the content as it shared a case study of a child that was killed by a jolt of electricity when they climbed over a fence onto the railway line area to retrieve a football. The main messages of the session were that children should stay away from train lines because trains are very heavy and that it takes them over a mile to stop and that even with no trains nearby that the electricity in railway lines is always on. The children also learnt about level crossing safety. For more information about railway safety please click here

For this week's home learning the children are being sent a booklet home which gives the children some ideas of activities they may like to try to help them regulate emotions and practice mental health self care. The children do not need to return these to school but I do hope that they find something useful in them. 

The children's last spelling test will be on Monday 15th July! Here are the spellings for week 6. 

End of term activities
Thursday 11th July - Year 4 last swimming session (all children to be picked up from school)
Friday 12th July - please return all passports today 
Friday 12th July - class celebration afternoon (please bring another plastic bag to school)

Monday 15th - Afternoon movie viewing in the hall. 
Tuesday 16th - KS2 Sports day morning 
Thursday 18th - Board games party day. Children may bring a non electronic game or toy from home. 
Friday 19th July - Leavers assembly and last day of term

As ever, if you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with a member of the year 4 team. 

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