Friday 5 July 2024

Next week


Today was a wonderful end to a big week for year 4. 

Thank you to everyone, that made it into school to watch the year 4 samba band - the class absolutely smashed it and should be very proud of themselves.

The children seemed to have a good day at their middle schools yesterday and were full of excited talk about what they got up to. Next week, we will be doing daily additional PSHE lessons that will work on helping the children manage and regulate their emotions. 

Sports day and swimming
Next week, we have our sports day on Tuesday morning and a swimming session on Thursday afternoon. Please could children have a PE kit with appropriate footwear for Tuesday morning and swimming kits for Thursday. 

Home learning
I have chosen not to set any home learning for the weekend but the children will be given their last spellings to learn on Monday of next week and will be set some mindfulness activities to try out as home learning for next week and for the end of term. 

Send in a bag
On Tuesday and Friday of next week, please can you send in a plastic bag so that children can start taking home their exercises books and work booklets gradually rather than have a very heavy load to take in one go. We may also need plastic bags in week 7 also.  

Upcoming dates
Saturday 6th July - POWSA Summer fayre
Tuesday 9th July - KS2 sports day (9.15am - 11am)
Thursday 11th July - Year 4 last swimming session

Friday 19th July - Leavers assembly and last day of term

As ever please get in touch if you have any questions. 

Kind regards,
The year 4 team. 

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