Monday 16 September 2024

Y4 Computing - A1 W3

Today was a special day at The Prince of Wales School as we celebrated our 30th anniversary with a whole-school photo on the school field! 

To make room for this exciting event, we had a shorter Computing lesson than usual. But don’t worry – Mr. Spracklen made sure we still had a fantastic time.

In our combined Year Three and Year Four session, we delved into the amazing world of 3D printing. We learnt how to design our own 3D models using Purple Mash and TinkerCAD.

Mr. Spracklen also made a super cool promise: if we design something at home and send him the .STL file (with a bit of help from our parents or carers), he’ll print a mini version of our design using the new 3D printer recently purchased by POWSA!

What a wonderful way to celebrate our school's milestone and learn something new at the same time.

Happy 30th Anniversary The Prince of Wales School! 🎉📸✨

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Help: Residential dormitory groups and dietary needs


Dear parents and carers,

As you know our class residential trip is fast approaching. I will look forward to talking through everything that you should expect this Friday afternoon (from 2.45pm), however the residential providers would like to know our dormitory occupants list a few days earlier than I was expecting. 

Therefore I will be asking children to choose 4 - 5 children that they would like to be in the same dormitory with tomorrow (Thursday 12th September) so that I can plan the dorm and give the residential providers list by this Friday.

I'm so sorry for the later notice but I would really appreciate it if you get talk to your child about this and help them be prepared for choosing 4 - 5 names. It is essentially just for sleeping and the class spends most of the waking hours together or in larger groups.  

If you have any questions or comments regarding dormitories I encourage you to email me these and I can factor them into the dorm plans (where possible). 

Please could parents also email me if your child has any dietary needs that we may not currently be aware of.  

If there is a year 4 social media parents group please could someone share this message on it. 

Thank you all for your help. 
Kind regards,
Ms Browne 

Monday 9 September 2024


In Y4 Computing today, we were reminded how to login and access Google Classroom safely. From Google Classroom, we then joined Mr Spracklen’s ‘Y4 Virtual Classroom’ on TinkerCAD. 

TinkerCAD is 3D modelling software that we will use as part of our #ROAR2024 unit of work. 

TinkerCAD will allow us to design in 3D before printing on our school’s new 3D Printer (recently purchased by POWSA, thank you POWSA). 

Today, we go to grips with TinkerCAD using the following tutorials set by Mr Spracklen →

The children really enjoyed exploring this software and seeing their designs come to life in 3D. It’s a fantastic way to build their digital creativity and problem-solving skills!

Why not try this at home?

TinkerCAD is free to use and can be accessed from any device. It’s a great way to encourage your child’s imagination, and you might even want to try designing something together. You could start with simple objects like a keychain or toy and work up to more complex designs as you go.

Encourage your child to share their creations with family and friends or even bring them in to print at school. 

Have fun designing!

Sunday 8 September 2024

Week 1 in Year 4


We had a wonderful few days in Year 4 and I am so proud of how well the children have settled back into school.  

Thank you so much for returning so many swimming consent letters so far. Please could any remaining letters be returned ASAP. 

We have a busy term ahead of us and so I have listed a few dates below to help you track what is going on. This Friday 13th at 2.45pm we have our year 4 parent information session where I will give more details about what to expect in year 4. This will be followed by our residential adult and child session where I will talk through our upcoming residential trip with the class and their adults so that everyone knows what to expect.

Things to bring into school
- Please could all children bring a labelled jacket, drinks bottle and school jumper into school daily. 
- Children need labelled PE kits for Mondays (we can keep these in school and return them half termly). 
- Swimming kits and rain jackets are needed every Thursday during Autumn terms 1 & 2.
- Reading records into school every Friday please. Thank you to those people that returned their child's reading record last week. To conserve paper we would really like to reuse last year's records so please could you return any that you have at home by Monday

Upcoming Dates
Monday 9th Sep - Whole school bike show & KS2 bike workshops
Thursday 12th Sep - Y4 swimming starts weekly
Friday 13th Sep - Parent info & residential info sessions from 2.45pm
Monday 16th Sep - Individual and whole school photographs
Wednesday 25th Sep - Urban Nature project visit
Wednesday 2nd - 4th October - Residential
From Monday 7th Oct - Food, Faith and Farming fortnight
Friday 18th Oct - Harvest Festival assemblies 
Monday 21st Oct - Early Parents' evening
Thursday 24th Oct - Late Parents' evening 

Kind regards,
The Year 4 team 😊

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Welcome to Year 4

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely summer and are looking forward to all the adventures we have in store for you in Year 4. 

We are so excited to welcome you back and we have lots of fun, team building and relaxing activities to help your child get settled into year 4.  

Drop off and collection points for year 4
Please be aware that year 4 should be dropped off and collected via the year 4 front door (opposite Maiden castle road and the bicycle shed). If your child has younger siblings at POW please feel free to collect them first before coming to us. 
PE kits
This term, year 4 will be having PE lessons on Mondays, so ideally we would like your child to come to school with a labelled PE kit by Monday morning please. I will be sending home swimming letters on Thursday so please look out for these and return them ASAP as swimming starts next Thursday. 

Reception buddies
Year 4 will have reception buddies but please be aware that they will not given their buddy this week. We will be meeting the reception children on Friday and staff will start thinking about what personalities will be best suited to being buddies. 

Parent Information / Residential session
The Year 4 parent information session is on Friday 13th September at 2.45pm. For the first 15 minutes Ms Browne will update you on general Year 4 information then in the remaining time we will invite your child into the session and talk about what to expect during our residential. We have found adult and child residential info sessions to be really useful for families in the past and if parents aren't free please send grandparents, aunties or uncles. 

See you all in the morning
😊 The Year 4 Team ðŸ˜Š